Friday, November 15, 2013


Johann Wagener 11-15-13

What we have here is a failure to communicate, as the saying goes.

No matter how much President Obama tries he just can't seem to get it his message across to what looks like a growing number of Americans that persist in believing that it's the President and the US Government taking away their healthcare.

Being the idiot that I am it's always helpful to give me multiple choice Questionnaire from which I can select an answer that makes sense to me. Unlike a test, there's no right or wrong answer. It's just a method used to get an idea of what people are thinking.

Here's what I based these questions on; Healthcare Problems

In recent days,'s problems have been overshadowed by reports that insurance companies were canceling the policies of millions of Americans whose policies did not meet the new law's requirements that policies cover emergency treatment, hospital stays and prescription drugs, among other things.

For years, Obama had promised that Americans would be able to keep their policies if they liked them.

But the wave of cancellations has fueled the biggest political crisis of Obama's presidency and led to an extraordinary scene at the White House on Thursday, as a contrite Obama took the blame for the healthcare program's dismal start.

He said he believed that he had to win back the confidence of the American people, and offered an administrative "fix" that would allow some people to retain their non-conforming insurance policies for at least a year.

Based on the above please answer the following;

Q -1 Who sent you a letter cancelling your insurance policy (check one)

a) President Obama
b) The US Government
c) Your Insurance Company

Q-2 Who is increasing your insurance premiums?   (check one)

a) President Obama
b) The US Government
c) Your Insurance Company

Q-3 Who is denying you insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition?  (check one)

a) President Obama
b) The US Government
c) Your Insurance Company

Q- 4 Who is refusing to provide you insurance because of your low income? (check one)

a) President Obama
b) The US Government
c) Your Insurance Company

Q-5 Who is not able to meet the minimum standards of the Affordable Healthcare Law?

a) President Obama
b) The US Government
c) Your Insurance Company

The following space is provided for you to send a letter or email to those you checked above.

My answered were based on;

As a footnote: 

Back when I "practiced" the art (not science) of therapy these conflicts were often referred to is as "cognitive dissonance" which in lay terms means someone is having a difficulty understanding the events going on around them; usually due to an emotional whirlwind going on below their head in responding to the chaos in their environment.

I believe that's what is going in when the rhetoric and yelling begins to drown out the discussion about the Affordable Healthcare Law.

Even though I agree that a little bit of passion can go a long way in making a point I don't think it helps much in times of crisis as when there are 40 million Americans in this country who are unable to provide healthcare for themselves or their families.

If I were to throw in an analogy it would not be one conjuring up slavery, but more like trying to get the Republicans to get their hands off the red button which would launch a nuclear warhead right into the heart of America.

I would agree it's a bit dramatic, but then, I had to come up with something comparable to slavery.

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