A January 2015 email chain reveals the Clinton campaign hand-picked their preferred candidate, Jen O’Malley Dillon, for a high-level position at the DNC. “I will definitely have a conversation with her once Simas gets DWS and Amy aligned. I also want to get her helping on Iowa planning next week,” Mook wrote.
Center for American Progress CEO Neera Tanden provided more rhetoric in emails revealing that even Clinton partisans thought behind the scenes that the private email server was a big deal. “Do we actually know who told Hillary she could use a private email? And has that person been drawn and quartered?” she wrote to Podesta. In an email released earlier this week, Tanden suggested Clinton used a private email server because “they wanted to get away with it.” Tanden was expressing frustration with Clinton aide Cheryl Mills for not turning over Clinton’s emails immediately to be archived.
Previously released emails have also proven President Barack Obama lied when he said that he didn’t know Clinton was using a private server. “We need to clean this up. He has emails from her—they do not say state.gov” wrote Clinton aide Cheryl Mills. An FBI report revealed Obama indeed used a pseudonym to communicate with Clinton.
A chain from June 2015 reveals Clinton campaign staff planted an article in The Associated Press with Matthew Lee and Bradley Klapper. “They are considering placing a story with a friendly at the AP (Matt Lee or Bradley Klapper), that would lay this out before the majority on the committee has a chance to realize what they have and distort it,” wrote Clinton campaign traveling press secretary Nick Merrill.
Emails later in the chain include Merrill and Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon hashing out responses to place in the AP article. “Just spoke to State a little more about this. A few updates,” Merrill added in a separate email to Fallon and Podesta. Fallon, who left his position at the Department of Justice to work for the Clinton campaign, appeared to use contact at the DOJ to get intel on where their investigation was headed. “In an email from May 2015, Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said that “DOJ folks” had “inform[ed]” him about an upcoming status conference in one of the lawsuits regarding Clinton’s private email setup,” reported The Hill on October 11.
“Do we have an answer for why there are no emails from the October 8 trip to Libya?” asked Clinton adviser Mandy Grunwald to Clinton campaign staff in an email chain where they grapple with how to explain why there are time gaps in the emails Clinton handed over.
In a March 2015 email to Podesta regarding a New York Times article on Clinton’s private email server, Mook responded, “We brought up the existence of emails in reserach [sic] this summer but were told that everything was taken care of.”
In a May 2015 email, Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri wrote in an email about Rep. Trey Gowdy that “he is not focused on the classified email, which is great.”
Breaking: Clinton Campaign Coordinated Massive Email Cover-Up
Monday, October 31, 2016
Clinton and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Lisa Jackson tried to shut down the Florida-based Mosaic Company in 2011, operator of America’s largest phosphate mining facility.
Jackson’s close ties and loyalty to the Clintons were revealed when she joined the Clinton Foundation’s board of directors in 2013, just months after she left the EPA. Jackson is also close to John Podesta, Clinton’s national campaign chairman.
Morocco’s state-owned phosphate company, OCP, would ostensibly have benefited from Jackson’s move to shut down Mosaic. Mohammed donated up to $15 million to the Clinton Foundation through OCP.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/31/hillarys-two-official-favors-to-morocco-resulted-in-28-million-for-clinton-foundation/#ixzz4OiScu0Lq
CNN Announces Donna Brazile Out After WikiLeaks Shows Clinton Debate Question Sharing
On October 11, WikiLeaks dumped another email in which Brazile, while still a CNN contributor, appeared to provide questions to Camp Clinton before a CNN town hall; back then, Brazile denied the legitimacy of the leaked email.
On October 11, WikiLeaks dumped another email in which Brazile, while still a CNN contributor, appeared to provide questions to Camp Clinton before a CNN town hall; back then, Brazile denied the legitimacy of the leaked email.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
If Hillary is innocent of any wrong doing the simplest way to put the email issue to rest is to give up her emails; release them to the public, no holds barred.
I think that would happen only in one's dreams since Hillary has fought anyone and everyone who wanted a peek tooth and nail to this very day.
Why such a fuss if she has nothing to hide?
There's a simple answer to that question and most logical thinking eople know it.
FBI obtains search warrant to search newly discovered emails potentially relevant to Clinton investigation - The Washington Post
The FBI has obtained a warrant to search the emails found on a computer used by former Congressman Anthony Weiner that may contain evidence relevant to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, according to law enforcement officials.
One official said the total number of emails recovered in the Weiner investigation is close to 650,000 — though that reflects many emails that are not in any way relevant to the Clinton investigation. Officials familiar with the case said, though, the messages include a significant amount of correspondence associated with Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin, Weiner’s estranged wife.
The agents investigating Clinton’s use of a private email server knew early this month that messages recovered in a separate probe might be germane to their case, but they waited weeks before briefing the FBI director, according to people familiar with the case.
FBI Director James B. Comey has written that he was informed of the development Thursday, and he sent a letter to legislators the next day letting them know that he thought the team should take “appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails.”
That missive ignited a political firestorm less than two weeks before the election. Almost instantly, Comey came under intense criticism for his timing and for bucking the Justice Department’s guidance not to tell Congress about the development. And his announcement means that Clinton could have to contend with the news that the FBI has resumed its investigation of her use of a private email server — without any real clarity on if its investigators will actually find anything significant — up to and beyond Election Day.
If Hillary is innocent of any wrong doing the simplest way to put the email issue to rest is to give up her emails; release them to the public, no holds barred.
I think that would happen only in one's dreams since Hillary has fought anyone and everyone who wanted a peek tooth and nail to this very day.
Why such a fuss if she has nothing to hide?
There's a simple answer to that question and most logical thinking eople know it.
FBI obtains search warrant to search newly discovered emails potentially relevant to Clinton investigation - The Washington Post
The FBI has obtained a warrant to search the emails found on a computer used by former Congressman Anthony Weiner that may contain evidence relevant to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, according to law enforcement officials.
One official said the total number of emails recovered in the Weiner investigation is close to 650,000 — though that reflects many emails that are not in any way relevant to the Clinton investigation. Officials familiar with the case said, though, the messages include a significant amount of correspondence associated with Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin, Weiner’s estranged wife.
The agents investigating Clinton’s use of a private email server knew early this month that messages recovered in a separate probe might be germane to their case, but they waited weeks before briefing the FBI director, according to people familiar with the case.
FBI Director James B. Comey has written that he was informed of the development Thursday, and he sent a letter to legislators the next day letting them know that he thought the team should take “appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails.”
That missive ignited a political firestorm less than two weeks before the election. Almost instantly, Comey came under intense criticism for his timing and for bucking the Justice Department’s guidance not to tell Congress about the development. And his announcement means that Clinton could have to contend with the news that the FBI has resumed its investigation of her use of a private email server — without any real clarity on if its investigators will actually find anything significant — up to and beyond Election Day.
Hillary likes to claim that anyone exposing corruption in politics is not only disrupting her campaign but a threat to our democracy and that is usually followed with some outrageous claim that the Russians are behind it.
What she is really saying is that exposing corruption in Establishment politics is a threat to the "Plutocracy" which she happens to be the darling of.
When FBI Director Comey announced that he was taking another look at Hillary's emails it was tantamount to turning on the lights in a room full of cockroaches. And, as is usually the case, not all of them are able to disappear in the cracks.
First it was DWS, then Podesta, now Uma and her perverted husband that have the light shinning on them and in turn on Hillary's crony riddled campaign.
Only this time it's not the Russians who Hillary loves to blame but our own FBI and it's what looks like not so corrupt Director.
The heads of all those who are subservient to the Establishment are exploding. God forbid the Director is doing his job!
FBI Head Under Fire For Clinton Email Scrutiny Days Before Election
FBI Director James Comey is facing criticism for turning the agency's attention to newly discovered emails that could be linked to Hillary Clinton, again focusing on the former secretary of state just days before Election Day.
Former prosecutors and former Department of Justice officials are questioning what Comey hopes to accomplish by announcing the investigation so close to the election.
Comey notified members of Congress that the FBI was again looking into Clinton's use of a private email server. As NPR reported Friday, Comey's decision followed the discovery of emails that "came to light in the course of an unrelated criminal investigation of Anthony Weiner," who is being scrutinized for sexting an underage girl. But, as the the Associated Press reported, it's "unclear what the emails contained, who sent them, or what connection they might have to the yearlong investigation the FBI closed in July without recommending criminal charges."
What she is really saying is that exposing corruption in Establishment politics is a threat to the "Plutocracy" which she happens to be the darling of.
When FBI Director Comey announced that he was taking another look at Hillary's emails it was tantamount to turning on the lights in a room full of cockroaches. And, as is usually the case, not all of them are able to disappear in the cracks.
First it was DWS, then Podesta, now Uma and her perverted husband that have the light shinning on them and in turn on Hillary's crony riddled campaign.
Only this time it's not the Russians who Hillary loves to blame but our own FBI and it's what looks like not so corrupt Director.
The heads of all those who are subservient to the Establishment are exploding. God forbid the Director is doing his job!
FBI Head Under Fire For Clinton Email Scrutiny Days Before Election
FBI Director James Comey is facing criticism for turning the agency's attention to newly discovered emails that could be linked to Hillary Clinton, again focusing on the former secretary of state just days before Election Day.
Former prosecutors and former Department of Justice officials are questioning what Comey hopes to accomplish by announcing the investigation so close to the election.
Comey notified members of Congress that the FBI was again looking into Clinton's use of a private email server. As NPR reported Friday, Comey's decision followed the discovery of emails that "came to light in the course of an unrelated criminal investigation of Anthony Weiner," who is being scrutinized for sexting an underage girl. But, as the the Associated Press reported, it's "unclear what the emails contained, who sent them, or what connection they might have to the yearlong investigation the FBI closed in July without recommending criminal charges."
It appears that the FBI Directory can't be "handled" as easily as as the AG (Lynch) and that he puts the country welfare ahead of politics, much to the chagrin of the Establishment.
James Comey Broke with Loretta Lynch and Justice Department Tradition - The New Yorker
On Friday, James Comey,the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, acting independently of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, sent a letter to Congress saying that the F.B.I. had discovered e-mails that were potentially relevant to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private server. Coming less than two weeks before the Presidential election, Comey’s decision to make public new evidence that may raise additional legal questions about Clinton was contrary to the views of the Attorney General, according to a well-informed Administration official. Lynch expressed her preference that Comey follow the department’s longstanding practice of not commenting on ongoing
investigations, and not taking any action that could influence the outcome of an election, but he said that he felt compelled to do otherwise.
Comey’s decision is a striking break with the policies of the Department of Justice, according to current and former federal legal officials. Comey,who is a Republican appointee of President Obama, has a reputation for integrity and independence, but his latest action is stirring an extraordinary level of concern among legal authorities, who see it as potentially affecting the outcome of the Presidential and congressional elections.
“You don’t do this,” one former senior Justice Department official exclaimed. “It’s aberrational. It violates decades of practice.” The reason, according to the former official, who asked not to be identified because of ongoing cases involving the department, “is because it impugns the integrity and reputation of the candidate, even though there’s no finding by a court, or in this instance even an
James Comey Broke with Loretta Lynch and Justice Department Tradition - The New Yorker
James Comey Broke with Loretta Lynch and Justice Department Tradition - The New Yorker
On Friday, James Comey,the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, acting independently of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, sent a letter to Congress saying that the F.B.I. had discovered e-mails that were potentially relevant to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private server. Coming less than two weeks before the Presidential election, Comey’s decision to make public new evidence that may raise additional legal questions about Clinton was contrary to the views of the Attorney General, according to a well-informed Administration official. Lynch expressed her preference that Comey follow the department’s longstanding practice of not commenting on ongoing
investigations, and not taking any action that could influence the outcome of an election, but he said that he felt compelled to do otherwise.
Comey’s decision is a striking break with the policies of the Department of Justice, according to current and former federal legal officials. Comey,who is a Republican appointee of President Obama, has a reputation for integrity and independence, but his latest action is stirring an extraordinary level of concern among legal authorities, who see it as potentially affecting the outcome of the Presidential and congressional elections.
“You don’t do this,” one former senior Justice Department official exclaimed. “It’s aberrational. It violates decades of practice.” The reason, according to the former official, who asked not to be identified because of ongoing cases involving the department, “is because it impugns the integrity and reputation of the candidate, even though there’s no finding by a court, or in this instance even an
James Comey Broke with Loretta Lynch and Justice Department Tradition - The New Yorker
Is this history repeating itself?
Will someone in Hillary's inner circle betray her and come clean about Hillary's dark empire?
Who better than Huma "Weiner" Abedin who many look upon as a victim of treacherous villains like her sexual predator spouse and one of the most mistrusted presidential candidates in history?
A Scandal Too Far? Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and a Test of Loyalty
In the summer of 2013, Hillary Clinton had just left the State Department and returned to New York. She planned a quiet year, basking in sky-high approval ratings and enjoying a respite from the media spotlight as she laid the groundwork for a second presidential run.
Then Carlos Danger happened.
Anthony D. Weiner, the husband of Mrs. Clinton’s closest aide, Huma Abedin, was running for mayor of New York when news broke that he had continued to exchange lewd messages with women online after the practice cost him his congressional seat. This time, he used the embarrassing Spanish-inspired moniker.
The tawdry story line and Ms. Abedin’s closeness to Mrs. Clinton made the events explode far beyond New York, dragging Mrs. Clinton’s name into messy headlines about penis pictures, Mr. Weiner’s descriptions of his sexual appetites and his online paramour named Sydney Leathers.
Now, with Mrs. Clinton seemingly on the cusp of winning the White House, Mr. Weiner, who once described himself as “a perpetually horny middle-aged man,” has pulled her into another drama. Federal investigators looking into his sexual messaging with an underage girl stumbled upon thousands of emails potentially pertinent to the F.B.I. inquiry into Mrs. Clinton’s private email server.
Will someone in Hillary's inner circle betray her and come clean about Hillary's dark empire?
Who better than Huma "Weiner" Abedin who many look upon as a victim of treacherous villains like her sexual predator spouse and one of the most mistrusted presidential candidates in history?
A Scandal Too Far? Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and a Test of Loyalty
In the summer of 2013, Hillary Clinton had just left the State Department and returned to New York. She planned a quiet year, basking in sky-high approval ratings and enjoying a respite from the media spotlight as she laid the groundwork for a second presidential run.
Then Carlos Danger happened.
Anthony D. Weiner, the husband of Mrs. Clinton’s closest aide, Huma Abedin, was running for mayor of New York when news broke that he had continued to exchange lewd messages with women online after the practice cost him his congressional seat. This time, he used the embarrassing Spanish-inspired moniker.
The tawdry story line and Ms. Abedin’s closeness to Mrs. Clinton made the events explode far beyond New York, dragging Mrs. Clinton’s name into messy headlines about penis pictures, Mr. Weiner’s descriptions of his sexual appetites and his online paramour named Sydney Leathers.
Now, with Mrs. Clinton seemingly on the cusp of winning the White House, Mr. Weiner, who once described himself as “a perpetually horny middle-aged man,” has pulled her into another drama. Federal investigators looking into his sexual messaging with an underage girl stumbled upon thousands of emails potentially pertinent to the F.B.I. inquiry into Mrs. Clinton’s private email server.
Who better to be able to show the American public the emails than the person who wrote or received them?
Why waste millions in taxpayers money to pry them from the death grip Hillary and her allies have on keeping them hidden?
And then, to add insult to injury, blame others like the FBI for withholding them from the public.
A slick maneuver to be sure but one most "thinking" people can see right through.
The emails are being withheld from the American public because Hillary and an army of lawyers fight tooth and nail to block any and all attempts to have them released.
All Hillary (and Huma) have to do do with this fresh batch of emails is release them to the public. Do the right thing. Be transparent. After all she claims she has nothing to hide, did nothing wrong.
So, show us the emails Hillary!
Hillary Clinton Assails James Comey, Calling Email Decision ‘Deeply Troubling’
Why waste millions in taxpayers money to pry them from the death grip Hillary and her allies have on keeping them hidden?
And then, to add insult to injury, blame others like the FBI for withholding them from the public.
A slick maneuver to be sure but one most "thinking" people can see right through.
The emails are being withheld from the American public because Hillary and an army of lawyers fight tooth and nail to block any and all attempts to have them released.
All Hillary (and Huma) have to do do with this fresh batch of emails is release them to the public. Do the right thing. Be transparent. After all she claims she has nothing to hide, did nothing wrong.
So, show us the emails Hillary!
Hillary Clinton Assails James Comey, Calling Email Decision ‘Deeply Troubling’
Friday, October 28, 2016
Hillary fans; including much of the crony media that supports her are outraged that anyone would inquire into Hillary's shenanigans "before" the election. How dare they shine the light on the prosective POTUS!
Better to just talk about Trump's gropes!
This is another example of how Hillary takes Americans as fools who would rather obsess over tabloid sex scandals than real live political corruption.
Well now the media can get what it wants; a real live sex scandal inside the Hillary camp.
The husband of her top aide and adopted daughter (some say) who posed for a "dick pic" that included posing his toddler son. He then followed that up with sexting a 15 year old girl; and yet is still running loose in the streets of NYC thanks to his high-powered connections.
It now appears that in addition to the dick pics there may have been some hot and steamy classified Hillary emails. Immagine that.
Were the Russians blackmailing Weiner? Was he sharing Huma's emails with them?
Sounds like a spy thriller in the making.
Journalists Dismiss FBI's Announcement Of Case Re-Opening | The Daily Caller
Better to just talk about Trump's gropes!
This is another example of how Hillary takes Americans as fools who would rather obsess over tabloid sex scandals than real live political corruption.
Well now the media can get what it wants; a real live sex scandal inside the Hillary camp.
The husband of her top aide and adopted daughter (some say) who posed for a "dick pic" that included posing his toddler son. He then followed that up with sexting a 15 year old girl; and yet is still running loose in the streets of NYC thanks to his high-powered connections.
It now appears that in addition to the dick pics there may have been some hot and steamy classified Hillary emails. Immagine that.
Were the Russians blackmailing Weiner? Was he sharing Huma's emails with them?
Sounds like a spy thriller in the making.
Journalists Dismiss FBI's Announcement Of Case Re-Opening | The Daily Caller
Mr. Comey got so many calls from former agents and others after he decided this summer not to pursue charges that he had to change his phone number posted online. And at a recent meeting with retired agents, he was still fielding tough questions about the decision.
“I have no patience for suggestions that we conducted ourselves as anything but what we are — honest, competent, and independent,” Mr. Comey wrote in a September email to employees. “Those suggesting that we are ‘political’ or part of some ‘fix’ either don’t know us, or they are full of baloney (and maybe some of both).”
But while the relentless Republican criticism of Mr. Comey’s decision not to bring charges against Mrs. Clinton has received the most attention, both Democrats and Republicans have sought to help their presidential candidates, demanding investigations into their rivals one moment, then slamming Mr. Comey the next.
In recent months, the F.B.I. has dealt with the fallout from the email decision, wrestled with whether to pursue tips about the Clinton family foundation and opened a wide-ranging counterintelligence case into whether Russia is trying to influence the election. Just this week, the F.B.I. defended itself from accusations that Democrats had curried favor with the deputy director by making donations to his wife’s failed State Senate campaign in Virginia.
F.B.I. agents say their community meetings invariably lead to questions about what the bureau is or is not doing in connection with the election. Mr. Comey has urged his agents to stay above the fray. But many of them worry that regardless of the election’s outcome, the F.B.I. might end up the loser.
F.B.I. Chief James Comey Is in Political Crossfire Again Over Emails
“I have no patience for suggestions that we conducted ourselves as anything but what we are — honest, competent, and independent,” Mr. Comey wrote in a September email to employees. “Those suggesting that we are ‘political’ or part of some ‘fix’ either don’t know us, or they are full of baloney (and maybe some of both).”
But while the relentless Republican criticism of Mr. Comey’s decision not to bring charges against Mrs. Clinton has received the most attention, both Democrats and Republicans have sought to help their presidential candidates, demanding investigations into their rivals one moment, then slamming Mr. Comey the next.
In recent months, the F.B.I. has dealt with the fallout from the email decision, wrestled with whether to pursue tips about the Clinton family foundation and opened a wide-ranging counterintelligence case into whether Russia is trying to influence the election. Just this week, the F.B.I. defended itself from accusations that Democrats had curried favor with the deputy director by making donations to his wife’s failed State Senate campaign in Virginia.
F.B.I. agents say their community meetings invariably lead to questions about what the bureau is or is not doing in connection with the election. Mr. Comey has urged his agents to stay above the fray. But many of them worry that regardless of the election’s outcome, the F.B.I. might end up the loser.
F.B.I. Chief James Comey Is in Political Crossfire Again Over Emails
It looks like Hillary thinks she's in charge and can "demand" that the FBI cater to her. She seems to forget that she is not Demander and Chief yet.
Hillary Clinton Demands FBI Release “All The Information It Has” In New Look At Emails
Hillary Clinton Demands FBI Release “All The Information It Has” In New Look At Emails
No, not Hillary! The sexual predator husband of her "adopted" daughter who up until now is still lose on the streets of New York; aka the Weiner.
The question begs to be answered. Why is this pervert not locked up or at least charged with multiple counts of predatory sexual abuse of children including his toddler son?
Could it be that Hillary has used her pay to play influence to keep the focus off the trash in her campaign?
Trump Praises the FBI for "Reopening" Case Against Hillary: “Bigger Than Watergate"
The question begs to be answered. Why is this pervert not locked up or at least charged with multiple counts of predatory sexual abuse of children including his toddler son?
Could it be that Hillary has used her pay to play influence to keep the focus off the trash in her campaign?
Trump Praises the FBI for "Reopening" Case Against Hillary: “Bigger Than Watergate"
In a statement sent to the chairs of Congressional committees, Comey wrote:
“In connection to an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.”
NBC News's Pete Williams reports that the emails were found on “a device” during a separate investigation. The emails, his sources said, were not from Clinton. According to the New York Times, the emails were found on seized devices of Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin in separate investigation into Weiner's sexting with underage girls.
The FBI Just Dropped a Big “October Surprise” on Hillary — They’re "Reopening" Investigation of Her Emails
“In connection to an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.”
NBC News's Pete Williams reports that the emails were found on “a device” during a separate investigation. The emails, his sources said, were not from Clinton. According to the New York Times, the emails were found on seized devices of Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin in separate investigation into Weiner's sexting with underage girls.
The FBI Just Dropped a Big “October Surprise” on Hillary — They’re "Reopening" Investigation of Her Emails
Look who's whining about a sex scandal that's hooked it's wagon onto the Hillary campaign train.
Now that Hillary's top aide (who she also claims to be her adopted daughter) and her sexually deviant husband is in the spotlight the Clinton camp is having a meltdown.
Clinton Camp Demands More Info As FBI Ponders Emails Found In Anthony Weiner Probe – Update
Now that Hillary's top aide (who she also claims to be her adopted daughter) and her sexually deviant husband is in the spotlight the Clinton camp is having a meltdown.
Clinton Camp Demands More Info As FBI Ponders Emails Found In Anthony Weiner Probe – Update
Newly discovered emails being examined by the FBI in relation to Hillary Clinton's email server came to light in the course of an unrelated criminal investigation of Anthony Weiner, according to a source familiar with the matter.
Weiner is the estranged husband of close Clinton aide Huma Abedin; he has been under scrutiny for sending illicit text messages to an underage girl.
Earlier Friday FBI Director James Comey notified members of Congress that the FBI had reopened its investigation into the handling of classified information in connection with the Democratic presidential candidate's use of a private email server while secretary of state.
In a letter to the leaders of congressional oversight committees, Comey wrote: "In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation."
Anthony Weiner Investigation Leads FBI Back To Clinton Email Server Case
Weiner is the estranged husband of close Clinton aide Huma Abedin; he has been under scrutiny for sending illicit text messages to an underage girl.
Earlier Friday FBI Director James Comey notified members of Congress that the FBI had reopened its investigation into the handling of classified information in connection with the Democratic presidential candidate's use of a private email server while secretary of state.
In a letter to the leaders of congressional oversight committees, Comey wrote: "In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation."
Anthony Weiner Investigation Leads FBI Back To Clinton Email Server Case
Thursday, October 27, 2016
First it was the Russians, then Julian Assange (Wikileaks) and now Trump.
Could it just be that American voters don't like Hillary and will not come out to support her?
Michelle Obama accuses Trump of trying to suppress turnout - POLITICO:
Could it just be that American voters don't like Hillary and will not come out to support her?
Michelle Obama accuses Trump of trying to suppress turnout - POLITICO:
Dem Pollster: Clinton 'May Be Immune To Pay To Play' | The Daily Caller
Dem Pollster: Clinton 'May Be Immune To Pay To Play' | The Daily Caller: Dem Pollster: Clinton 'May Be Immune To Pay To Play' | The Daily Caller -
Eleven billionaires and millionaires slipped into luxurious seating in the Clinton Foundation’s custom-designed Boeing 757 in the summer of 2014 as they prepared to fly across the Pacific for a five-nation foundation-sponsored trip, details of which were exclusively obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
The group — which represented up to $34 million in donations to the foundation — went to India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia “to visit the work of the Clinton Foundation,” according to a July 3, 2014 press advisory.
The list of the foundation’s ultra-rich supporters on the flight was provided to the Daily Caller News Foundation by a Clinton insider.
The group — which represented up to $34 million in donations to the foundation — went to India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia “to visit the work of the Clinton Foundation,” according to a July 3, 2014 press advisory.
The list of the foundation’s ultra-rich supporters on the flight was provided to the Daily Caller News Foundation by a Clinton insider.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
A confidant of Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta laid out in an email how to get The New York Times to change how the paper covered the former secretary of state, according to leaked emails.
Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden told Podesta how former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg met with Arthur Sulzberger, NYT’s publisher, to get the paper to cover him more favorably.
Tanden told Podesta that “when bloomberg was having problems w the times he called Arthur Schulzburger and asked for coffee.” The July 9, 2015 email was one of more than 33,000 published online by WikiLeaks from Podesta’ hacked Gmail account.
“He made the case that they were treating him like a billionaire dilettante instead of Third term mayor,” Tanden wrote. “It changed the coverage moderately but also aired the issues in the newsroom so people were more conscious of it.”
“But Arthur is a pretty big wuss so he’s not going to do a lot more than that,” Tanden wrote. “Hillary would have to be the one to call.”
NYT had published a series of scathing articles earlier that year on potential pay-to-play arrangements between the Clinton Foundation and the Department of State. One such report detailed how Clinton’s approval of a Russian uranium deal while heading the State Department netted millions to a major foundation donor.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/26/leaks-clinton-ally-lays-out-how-to-get-nyt-to-cover-hillary-more-favorably/#ixzz4OF89I8HH
Clinton Ally On How To Get NYT To Cover Hillary Favorably | The Daily Caller:
Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden told Podesta how former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg met with Arthur Sulzberger, NYT’s publisher, to get the paper to cover him more favorably.
Tanden told Podesta that “when bloomberg was having problems w the times he called Arthur Schulzburger and asked for coffee.” The July 9, 2015 email was one of more than 33,000 published online by WikiLeaks from Podesta’ hacked Gmail account.
“He made the case that they were treating him like a billionaire dilettante instead of Third term mayor,” Tanden wrote. “It changed the coverage moderately but also aired the issues in the newsroom so people were more conscious of it.”
“But Arthur is a pretty big wuss so he’s not going to do a lot more than that,” Tanden wrote. “Hillary would have to be the one to call.”
NYT had published a series of scathing articles earlier that year on potential pay-to-play arrangements between the Clinton Foundation and the Department of State. One such report detailed how Clinton’s approval of a Russian uranium deal while heading the State Department netted millions to a major foundation donor.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/26/leaks-clinton-ally-lays-out-how-to-get-nyt-to-cover-hillary-more-favorably/#ixzz4OF89I8HH
Clinton Ally On How To Get NYT To Cover Hillary Favorably | The Daily Caller:
Huma Abedin Granted Access To Hillary Clinton | The Daily Caller
Newly released emails show that Hillary Clinton’s top State Department adviser, Huma Abedin, granted access to the then-secretary of state during overseas diplomatic visits based upon Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) donor status.
A Dec. 4, 2012 email obtained by Citizens United and shared exclusively with The Daily Caller shows that Paul McElearney, CGI’s head of member development, emailed Abedin asking if he could meet with Hillary Clinton during her trip to Ireland two days later.
Abedin said that she could accommodate McElearney, and he then asked if several other people, including two CGI sponsors, could also meet Clinton. McElearney forwarded four names for Abedin’s consideration.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/26/huma-abedin-granted-access-to-hillary-based-upon-clinton-global-initiative-donor-status/#ixzz4OEwzZ04V
Huma Abedin Granted Access To Hillary Clinton | The Daily Caller:
In days past men (and now women also) used to go to war to fight for democracy and freedom and to defend the Homeland.
Today it seems that the incentive to go to war is more about just trying to eek out a living and millions of young men and women are risking their lives just to get a pay check; democracy and freedom be damned.
Will improved military enlistment last? - CSMonitor.com
Faced with the challenge of maintaining its all-volunteer military as wars dragged on in Iraq and Afghanistan in the mid-2000s, the Pentagon began offering its most generous incentives ever, issuing up-front bonuses to those who agreed to reenlist. The problem is that some of the recipients were ineligible.
The policy resulted in overpayments in every state, but nowhere were recruiters more generous than the California National Guard.
Now nearly 10,000 current and retired soldiers in The Golden State have been ordered to repay all or some of the bonuses they received to incentivize their return to war.
Today it seems that the incentive to go to war is more about just trying to eek out a living and millions of young men and women are risking their lives just to get a pay check; democracy and freedom be damned.
Will improved military enlistment last? - CSMonitor.com
Faced with the challenge of maintaining its all-volunteer military as wars dragged on in Iraq and Afghanistan in the mid-2000s, the Pentagon began offering its most generous incentives ever, issuing up-front bonuses to those who agreed to reenlist. The problem is that some of the recipients were ineligible.
The policy resulted in overpayments in every state, but nowhere were recruiters more generous than the California National Guard.
Now nearly 10,000 current and retired soldiers in The Golden State have been ordered to repay all or some of the bonuses they received to incentivize their return to war.
The US wastes billions of dollars on these senseless wars that enrich the MIC and the neo-cons (including Hillary) that feeds them.
In order to do that they must lure young men and now women into fighting these battles for them. What better way than to offer them money since many are unemployed and/or can't afford college.
The part that's left out is the risk these young folks (men and women) are taking and the chances that they will come back in body bags or wheel chairs.
Now to ad insult to injury Uncle Sam wants to take back the stipends they gave many of these vets while still wasting billions in making neo-cons (who don't fight wars just start them) richer
Thousands of Calif. National Guard vets ordered to repay reenlistment bonuses - CSMonitor.com
In order to do that they must lure young men and now women into fighting these battles for them. What better way than to offer them money since many are unemployed and/or can't afford college.
The part that's left out is the risk these young folks (men and women) are taking and the chances that they will come back in body bags or wheel chairs.
Now to ad insult to injury Uncle Sam wants to take back the stipends they gave many of these vets while still wasting billions in making neo-cons (who don't fight wars just start them) richer
Thousands of Calif. National Guard vets ordered to repay reenlistment bonuses - CSMonitor.com
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
No matter how much Hillary whines about how the Russians are attacking our democracy the people still want to hear about, and read her emails and she and the Establishment have been unable to shut Julian Assange up.
First they tried to grab him and throw him into one of those black sites they have scattered around the globe where they make people disappear, but that failed. Then they forced him to hole up in an embassy that gave him asylum for the last 4 years hoping people would forget about him. When that failed they now strong armed his hosts to cut off his Internet claiming he's interfering in US elections when, in fact, he has provided people with more information on one of the candidates they need to be "informed" about.
Interfering with elections? Or exposing corruption?
WikiLeaks Supporters Launch Plan to Restore Assange’s Internet Connection - NationofChange:
First they tried to grab him and throw him into one of those black sites they have scattered around the globe where they make people disappear, but that failed. Then they forced him to hole up in an embassy that gave him asylum for the last 4 years hoping people would forget about him. When that failed they now strong armed his hosts to cut off his Internet claiming he's interfering in US elections when, in fact, he has provided people with more information on one of the candidates they need to be "informed" about.
Interfering with elections? Or exposing corruption?
WikiLeaks Supporters Launch Plan to Restore Assange’s Internet Connection - NationofChange:
Monday, October 24, 2016
The FBI’s Clinton Probe Gets Curiouser - WSJ
The FBI’s Clinton Probe Gets Curiouser - WSJ: The FBI’s Clinton Probe Gets Curiouser - WSJ -
The FBI’s Clinton Probe Gets Curiouser - WSJ:
Hillary Clinton may win the election in two weeks, but the manner of her victory will bedevil her in the White House. Specifically, evidence keeps turning up suggesting that the FBI probe into her emails was influenced by political favoritism and double standards.
The latest news is the Journal’s report Monday that Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime friend of Hillary and Bill, steered money to the campaign of the wife of a top FBI official. Political organizations under Mr. McAuliffe’s control gave more than $675,000 to the 2015 Virginia state Senate campaign of Jill McCabe, the wife of FBI deputy directorAndrew McCabe. Mr. McCabe, director James Comey’s right-hand man, helped oversee the probe into whether Mrs. Clinton mishandled classified information on her server.
Some $467,500 of the money came directly from Mr. McAuliffe’s political action committee, Common Good VA, while $207,788 came from the Virginia Democratic Party, which the Governor essentially controls. The funds amounted to more than one-third of all the money Mrs. McCabe raised.
Mrs. McCabe announced her candidacy the same month (March 2015) as the news broke about Mrs. Clinton’s private email server. Mr. McCabe was running the FBI’s Washington field office at the time, and he was promoted to the No. 3 FBI slot not long after the formal FBI investigation began in July 2015.
The FBI said in a statement that none of this is an issue because Mr. McCabe wasn’t promoted to the No. 2 position until February 2016, months after his wife lost her race, and only then did he assume “for the first time, an oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton’s emails.”
Hillary Clinton may win the election in two weeks, but the manner of her victory will bedevil her in the White House. Specifically, evidence keeps turning up suggesting that the FBI probe into her emails was influenced by political favoritism and double standards.
The latest news is the Journal’s report Monday that Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime friend of Hillary and Bill, steered money to the campaign of the wife of a top FBI official. Political organizations under Mr. McAuliffe’s control gave more than $675,000 to the 2015 Virginia state Senate campaign of Jill McCabe, the wife of FBI deputy directorAndrew McCabe. Mr. McCabe, director James Comey’s right-hand man, helped oversee the probe into whether Mrs. Clinton mishandled classified information on her server.
Some $467,500 of the money came directly from Mr. McAuliffe’s political action committee, Common Good VA, while $207,788 came from the Virginia Democratic Party, which the Governor essentially controls. The funds amounted to more than one-third of all the money Mrs. McCabe raised.
Mrs. McCabe announced her candidacy the same month (March 2015) as the news broke about Mrs. Clinton’s private email server. Mr. McCabe was running the FBI’s Washington field office at the time, and he was promoted to the No. 3 FBI slot not long after the formal FBI investigation began in July 2015.
The FBI said in a statement that none of this is an issue because Mr. McCabe wasn’t promoted to the No. 2 position until February 2016, months after his wife lost her race, and only then did he assume “for the first time, an oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton’s emails.”
Hillary is owned by a small group of powerful people and there's no doubt they, and those like them, will be well taken care of if she wins this election.
These are the people that have bankrolled the anti Trump blitz and dictate what the Main Stream Media shows Americans on their TV's and cell phones.
These are the plutocrats that have laid waste to what was one a democracy.
How mega-donors helped raise $1 billion for Hillary Clinton - The Washington Post:
It was a few weeks before Hillary Clinton would announce her 2016 presidential bid, and she was already worried about money.
“Can we discuss the fundraising plans for first quarter?” her top aide Huma Abedin wrote to other senior staffers in March 2015, noting that Clinton was concerned.
“Is the issue that she’s doing too much? Too little?” asked campaign manager Robby Mook.
Abedin’s succinct reply: “JEB BUSH.”
At the time, donors to the former Florida governor were socking millions into a super PAC, pushing the limits of campaign-finance rules. The stockpiling of seven-figure checks before Bush even declared his candidacy spurred a flurry of anxious conversations between Clinton and her staff, according to hacked emails posted by WikiLeaks.
But the former secretary of state had her own financial weapon: a network of political backers that she and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, hadmethodically cultivated over 40 years.
Determined not to fall behind in the money race, Hillary Clinton ramped up her appeals to rich donors and shrugged off restrictions that President Obama had imposed on his fundraising team.
Even as her advisers fretted about the perception that she was too cozy with wealthy interests, they agreed to let lobbyists bundle checks for her campaign, including those representing some foreign governments, the emails show. Top aides wooed major donors for super PACs, taking advantage of the leeway that campaigns have to legally collaborate with the groups on fundraising.
The effort paid off. Together with the party and pro-Clinton super PACs, the Democratic nominee had amassed $1.14 billion to support her campaign by the end of September — on par with what Obama and his allies brought in for his 2012 reelection bid. GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, who did not begin fundraising in earnest until the end of May, had collected $712 million, including $56 million of his own money.
These are the people that have bankrolled the anti Trump blitz and dictate what the Main Stream Media shows Americans on their TV's and cell phones.
These are the plutocrats that have laid waste to what was one a democracy.
How mega-donors helped raise $1 billion for Hillary Clinton - The Washington Post:
It was a few weeks before Hillary Clinton would announce her 2016 presidential bid, and she was already worried about money.
“Can we discuss the fundraising plans for first quarter?” her top aide Huma Abedin wrote to other senior staffers in March 2015, noting that Clinton was concerned.
“Is the issue that she’s doing too much? Too little?” asked campaign manager Robby Mook.
Abedin’s succinct reply: “JEB BUSH.”
At the time, donors to the former Florida governor were socking millions into a super PAC, pushing the limits of campaign-finance rules. The stockpiling of seven-figure checks before Bush even declared his candidacy spurred a flurry of anxious conversations between Clinton and her staff, according to hacked emails posted by WikiLeaks.
But the former secretary of state had her own financial weapon: a network of political backers that she and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, hadmethodically cultivated over 40 years.
Determined not to fall behind in the money race, Hillary Clinton ramped up her appeals to rich donors and shrugged off restrictions that President Obama had imposed on his fundraising team.
Even as her advisers fretted about the perception that she was too cozy with wealthy interests, they agreed to let lobbyists bundle checks for her campaign, including those representing some foreign governments, the emails show. Top aides wooed major donors for super PACs, taking advantage of the leeway that campaigns have to legally collaborate with the groups on fundraising.
The effort paid off. Together with the party and pro-Clinton super PACs, the Democratic nominee had amassed $1.14 billion to support her campaign by the end of September — on par with what Obama and his allies brought in for his 2012 reelection bid. GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, who did not begin fundraising in earnest until the end of May, had collected $712 million, including $56 million of his own money.
It's giving the fox the key to the hen house. And then it's only a matter of time before she and the cronies she panders to take another big piece of what's left of the middle class and strikes another blow at the heart of America.
“It’s pretty bad,” Clinton adviser Mandy Grunwald said. “She is critical to some extent of what led to the crash but the more memorable stuff is totally accommodationist.”
The transcripts of Clinton’s private, paid speeches were among thousands of documents from Podesta’s personal email account released by WikiLeaks. Critics of WikiLeaks have accused the organization of acting as a front for Russian hackers.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/24/clinton-adviser-on-paid-goldman-sachs-speeches-its-pretty-bad/#ixzz4O3D6vwZq
Sunday, October 23, 2016
WikiLeaks Suggests In Tweet That The US Election Is Rigged | The Daily Caller
WikiLeaks Suggests In Tweet That The US Election Is Rigged | The Daily Caller: WikiLeaks Suggests In Tweet That The US Election Is Rigged | The Daily Caller -
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Establishment politicians (including Obama) would like Americans to believe that challenging the system is dangerous and voters should just "accept" the outcome of what is an obviously failed and corrupted political system that is democratic in name only.
The real danger lies in Main Street Americans just rolling over and allowing the privileged few who politicians like Hillary pander to call the shots.
It's not often that Americans have an opportunity to challenge the status quo and this is one of those times.
Trump may not be the best choice but he is by far the better choice.
WikiLeaks’ 10 Most Damning Clinton Emails that Prove Mainstream Media is Scripted & Controlled - NationofChange:
The real danger lies in Main Street Americans just rolling over and allowing the privileged few who politicians like Hillary pander to call the shots.
It's not often that Americans have an opportunity to challenge the status quo and this is one of those times.
Trump may not be the best choice but he is by far the better choice.
WikiLeaks’ 10 Most Damning Clinton Emails that Prove Mainstream Media is Scripted & Controlled - NationofChange:
The Clinton campaign and the Khan's appear to have so little the dead that they are wantonly exploiting the death of this fallen soldier for political gain.
Neither Hillary or the Kahn's can speak for the dead and should not be so desperate as to disrespect them.
Khizr Khan Releases Powerful Anti-Trump Ad - NationofChange:
Neither Hillary or the Kahn's can speak for the dead and should not be so desperate as to disrespect them.
Khizr Khan Releases Powerful Anti-Trump Ad - NationofChange:
Friday, October 21, 2016
Michelle Obama doesn't seem to know that Main Street Americans are not living in a democracy.
The kind of democracy Michelle talks about does not exist in America.
Maybe she isn't aware of the wealth gap and the dying middle class.
But then she and Barack are part of the political Establishment and are not about to bite the hand(s) that will feed them once he leaves office.
Michelle Obama to Trump: 'You do not keep American democracy in suspense' - POLITICO:
The kind of democracy Michelle talks about does not exist in America.
Maybe she isn't aware of the wealth gap and the dying middle class.
But then she and Barack are part of the political Establishment and are not about to bite the hand(s) that will feed them once he leaves office.
Michelle Obama to Trump: 'You do not keep American democracy in suspense' - POLITICO:
Thursday, October 20, 2016
The political Establishment and Main Stream Media took offense to Trump's refusal to accept a corrupted and rigged system they desperately need to control.
What they refer to as an insult to democracy is in reality a confrontation of the plutocracy that has successfully disguised itself as a democracy.
Donald Trump’s Final Insult to American Democracy - The Daily Beast:
What they refer to as an insult to democracy is in reality a confrontation of the plutocracy that has successfully disguised itself as a democracy.
Donald Trump’s Final Insult to American Democracy - The Daily Beast:
Rigged elections in a plutocracy trying to disguise itself as a democracy is dangerous.
The people are ignored and the elite are pandered to. Sound familiar?
The real danger is to convince people to just "accept" the status quo rather than challenging it.
President Obama, of all people, should know that.
US election: Obama calls Trump's election rhetoric 'dangerous' - BBC News:
The people are ignored and the elite are pandered to. Sound familiar?
The real danger is to convince people to just "accept" the status quo rather than challenging it.
President Obama, of all people, should know that.
US election: Obama calls Trump's election rhetoric 'dangerous' - BBC News:
Clinton’s remarks during paid speeches to Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, and other groups wereleaked online Friday afternoon by WikiLeaks. Clinton, who was paid upwards of $225,000 per speech, earned more than $22 million on the paid speaking circuit after resigning as secretary of state.
The excerpts are revealed in an email from Tony Carrk, the research director of the Clinton campaign, to John Podesta, the campaign chairman, and other top campaign officials. Carrk, who did not respond to a request for comment, highlighted in the memo the most politically damaging quotes from each paid speech, under headers including “CLINTON ADMITS SHE IS OUT OF TOUCH,” “CLINTON SAYS YOU NEED TO HAVE A PRIVATE AND PUBLIC POSITION ON POLICY,” and “CLINTON REMARKS ARE PRO KEYSTONE AND PRO TRADE.”
Excerpts of Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speeches to Goldman Sachs Finally Leaked
The excerpts are revealed in an email from Tony Carrk, the research director of the Clinton campaign, to John Podesta, the campaign chairman, and other top campaign officials. Carrk, who did not respond to a request for comment, highlighted in the memo the most politically damaging quotes from each paid speech, under headers including “CLINTON ADMITS SHE IS OUT OF TOUCH,” “CLINTON SAYS YOU NEED TO HAVE A PRIVATE AND PUBLIC POSITION ON POLICY,” and “CLINTON REMARKS ARE PRO KEYSTONE AND PRO TRADE.”
Excerpts of Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speeches to Goldman Sachs Finally Leaked
Just as if Hillary loses she'll blame the Russians.
What is absurd is that anyone would believe that elections in America are perfect and purely legitimate.
One look at Hillary's emails tell a different story.
The gerrymandering speaks volumes when it comes to rigging.
Main Stream Media bias is insulting to anyone's intelligence and perpetuates the myth that elections are not rigged when they are.
The most alarming and disgusting part of this is that the Establishment wants Americans to just lay back and accept the status quo and implying that anything short of that is unpatriotic.
The problem with that twisted logic is that this is not the way democracy works.
Trump pledges to accept election results — ‘if I win’ - POLITICO:
What is absurd is that anyone would believe that elections in America are perfect and purely legitimate.
One look at Hillary's emails tell a different story.
The gerrymandering speaks volumes when it comes to rigging.
Main Stream Media bias is insulting to anyone's intelligence and perpetuates the myth that elections are not rigged when they are.
The most alarming and disgusting part of this is that the Establishment wants Americans to just lay back and accept the status quo and implying that anything short of that is unpatriotic.
The problem with that twisted logic is that this is not the way democracy works.
Trump pledges to accept election results — ‘if I win’ - POLITICO:
This is becoming a bit absurd! Who hasn't Trump groped? Is he going the be the Groper and Chief?
Politics P.M.: Woman says Trump groped her while attending U.S. Open tennis tourney in 1998 - johannwagener@gmail.com - Gmail:
Politics P.M.: Woman says Trump groped her while attending U.S. Open tennis tourney in 1998 - johannwagener@gmail.com - Gmail:
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Clinton’s remarks during paid speeches to Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, and other groups wereleaked online Friday afternoon by WikiLeaks. Clinton, who was paid upwards of $225,000 per speech, earned more than $22 million on the paid speaking circuit after resigning as secretary of state.
The excerpts are revealed in an email from Tony Carrk, the research director of the Clinton campaign, to John Podesta, the campaign chairman, and other top campaign officials. Carrk, who did not respond to a request for comment, highlighted in the memo the most politically damaging quotes from each paid speech, under headers including “CLINTON ADMITS SHE IS OUT OF TOUCH,” “CLINTON SAYS YOU NEED TO HAVE A PRIVATE AND PUBLIC POSITION ON POLICY,” and “CLINTON REMARKS ARE PRO KEYSTONE AND PRO TRADE.”
The wealth Clinton accumulated was a topic at the paid events.
Discussing middle class economic anxieties, Clinton told a crowd at a Goldman Sachs-sponsored speech that she is now “kind of far removed because the life I’ve lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven’t forgotten it.”
But the discussions were also an opportunity for Clinton to speak candidly about policy, politics, and her approach to governing.
Touching on her view of developing financial regulations, Clinton declared to a crowd of Goldman Sachs bankers that in order to “figure out what works,” the “people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry.”
At the Goldman Sachs Builders and Innovators Summit, Clinton responded to a question from chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, who quipped that you “go to Washington” to “make a small fortune.” Clinton agreed with the comment and complained about ethics rules that require officials to divest from certain assets before entering government. “There is such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives,” Clinton said.
At a speech for Morgan Stanley on April 18, 2013, Clinton praised the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction plan — which would reduce corporate tax rates while raising the Social Security age. “But Simpson-Bowles — and I know you heard from Erskine earlier today — put forth the right framework. Namely, we have to restrain spending, we have to have adequate revenues, and we have to incentivize growth. It’s a three-part formula,” she said.
Clinton also told a housing trade group in 2013 that on certain issues, she has “a public and a private position.” “If everybody’s watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least,” said Clinton. “So, you need both a public and a private position.”
Excerpts of Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speeches to Goldman Sachs Finally Leaked
The excerpts are revealed in an email from Tony Carrk, the research director of the Clinton campaign, to John Podesta, the campaign chairman, and other top campaign officials. Carrk, who did not respond to a request for comment, highlighted in the memo the most politically damaging quotes from each paid speech, under headers including “CLINTON ADMITS SHE IS OUT OF TOUCH,” “CLINTON SAYS YOU NEED TO HAVE A PRIVATE AND PUBLIC POSITION ON POLICY,” and “CLINTON REMARKS ARE PRO KEYSTONE AND PRO TRADE.”
The wealth Clinton accumulated was a topic at the paid events.
Discussing middle class economic anxieties, Clinton told a crowd at a Goldman Sachs-sponsored speech that she is now “kind of far removed because the life I’ve lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven’t forgotten it.”
But the discussions were also an opportunity for Clinton to speak candidly about policy, politics, and her approach to governing.
Touching on her view of developing financial regulations, Clinton declared to a crowd of Goldman Sachs bankers that in order to “figure out what works,” the “people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry.”
At the Goldman Sachs Builders and Innovators Summit, Clinton responded to a question from chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, who quipped that you “go to Washington” to “make a small fortune.” Clinton agreed with the comment and complained about ethics rules that require officials to divest from certain assets before entering government. “There is such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives,” Clinton said.
At a speech for Morgan Stanley on April 18, 2013, Clinton praised the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction plan — which would reduce corporate tax rates while raising the Social Security age. “But Simpson-Bowles — and I know you heard from Erskine earlier today — put forth the right framework. Namely, we have to restrain spending, we have to have adequate revenues, and we have to incentivize growth. It’s a three-part formula,” she said.
Clinton also told a housing trade group in 2013 that on certain issues, she has “a public and a private position.” “If everybody’s watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least,” said Clinton. “So, you need both a public and a private position.”
Excerpts of Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speeches to Goldman Sachs Finally Leaked
WikiLeaks says that Ecuador has shut down internet access for its founder Julian Assange.
The transparency activist has sought asylum at London's Ecuadorean embassy since 2012 to avoid extradition over sex assault allegations.
WikiLeaks accused US Secretary of State John Kerry of asking Ecuador to stop it publishing documents about Hillary Clinton.
The US state department said the allegation was "simply untrue".
Ecuador's Foreign Minister Guillaume Long made no comment on the allegations, saying only: "The circumstances that led to the granting of asylum remain."
WikiLeaks has recently been releasing emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign.
The transparency activist has sought asylum at London's Ecuadorean embassy since 2012 to avoid extradition over sex assault allegations.
WikiLeaks accused US Secretary of State John Kerry of asking Ecuador to stop it publishing documents about Hillary Clinton.
The US state department said the allegation was "simply untrue".
Ecuador's Foreign Minister Guillaume Long made no comment on the allegations, saying only: "The circumstances that led to the granting of asylum remain."
WikiLeaks has recently been releasing emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Who is rigging the elections?
Depends on who you ask. Even though there is an agreement that the elections are being rigged.
Trump says it's Hillary and her band of Merry Operatives; which recent news reports tend to support.
Read it here: http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/18/politics/project-veritas-action-robert-creamer-donald-trump-rallies/
Then there's Obama who is stumping for Hillary who claims (whines) the Russians are rigging it in Trumps favor;
Read it here; http://www.wsj.com/articles/obama-says-experts-tie-russia-to-dnc-hacking-1469619650
Either Clinton has changed her mind on Russia like she did on gay marriage, or she isn't being straightforward about how she really feels.
New WikiLeaks emails reveal that the former Secretary of State didn't see Russia as a problem. In fact, Clinton wanted to have a better relationship with Putin.
The Daily Caller reported that:
She didn’t think Russia was a threat either: In remarks to Sanford Bernstein on May 29, 2013, Clinton recounted a meeting with Vladimir Putin when she was secretary of state.
“We talked about a lot of issues that were not the hot-button issues between us, you know, his view on missile defense, which we think is misplaced because, you know, we don’t believe that there will be a threat from Russia.”
The speeches also reveal that Clinton was willing to allow a wide degree of discretion to Russian motives and Vladimir Putin: “I would love it if we could continue to build a more positive relationship with Russia,” she said to Goldman Sachs CEOs at an annual conference on June 4, 2013.
Hillary's Position on Russia Comes Back to Bite Her After Hacked Emails Reveal Her Real Feelings:
Depends on who you ask. Even though there is an agreement that the elections are being rigged.
Trump says it's Hillary and her band of Merry Operatives; which recent news reports tend to support.
Read it here: http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/18/politics/project-veritas-action-robert-creamer-donald-trump-rallies/
Then there's Obama who is stumping for Hillary who claims (whines) the Russians are rigging it in Trumps favor;
Read it here; http://www.wsj.com/articles/obama-says-experts-tie-russia-to-dnc-hacking-1469619650
Either Clinton has changed her mind on Russia like she did on gay marriage, or she isn't being straightforward about how she really feels.
New WikiLeaks emails reveal that the former Secretary of State didn't see Russia as a problem. In fact, Clinton wanted to have a better relationship with Putin.
The Daily Caller reported that:
She didn’t think Russia was a threat either: In remarks to Sanford Bernstein on May 29, 2013, Clinton recounted a meeting with Vladimir Putin when she was secretary of state.
“We talked about a lot of issues that were not the hot-button issues between us, you know, his view on missile defense, which we think is misplaced because, you know, we don’t believe that there will be a threat from Russia.”
The speeches also reveal that Clinton was willing to allow a wide degree of discretion to Russian motives and Vladimir Putin: “I would love it if we could continue to build a more positive relationship with Russia,” she said to Goldman Sachs CEOs at an annual conference on June 4, 2013.
Hillary's Position on Russia Comes Back to Bite Her After Hacked Emails Reveal Her Real Feelings:
Or at least that's how the Hillary camp will probably spin it;
A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.
Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.
In the past, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.
Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton's campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.
"I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election," Creamer said in a statement. "As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign."
He confirmed that he was referring to the Clinton campaign, with which he was "fully integrated."
Creamer added that "contrary to the outrageous claims of the notorious right wing blogger James O'Keefe, we have always adhered to the highest standards of transparency and legality in our work for the DNC."
He also denied that any of the schemes in the "hypothetical conversations" recorded for the video ever took place.
"We regret the unprofessional and careless hypothetical conversations that were captured on hidden cameras of a regional contractor for our firm, and he is no longer working with us," he said. "While none of the schemes described in the conversations every took place, these conversations do not at all reflect the values of Democracy Partners."
Democracy Partners called O'Keefe's video a "well-funded, systematic spy operation that is the modern day equivalent of the Watergate burglars."
Creamer told CNN that the national field director of Americans United for Change, Scott Foval, who was also recorded in the video, made false comments that are wrong about inciting violence at the rallies. Foval has since been fired from Americans United for Change, which had a contracting relationship with Democracy Partners.
"I mean, honestly, it's not hard to get some of these a------- to pop off," Foval purportedly says at one point in the video. "It's a matter of showing up, to want to get into their rally, in a Planned Parenthood T-shirt. Or 'Trump is a Nazi,' you know. You can message to draw them out, and draw them out to punch you."
Creamer said Foval's comments were "flat out wrong."
"We have gone to extreme measures to ensure no violence took place at any of our (counter protest) rallies," Creamer told CNN.
In 2005, Creamer pleaded guilty to tax violations and $2.3 million in bank fraud in relation to his operation of public interest groups in the 1990s.
DNC distances itself
The DNC quickly distanced itself from the accusations. Donna Brazile, the interim DNC chair, said O'Keefe "is a convicted criminal with a history of doctoring video to advance his ideological agenda" and that the practices have nothing to do with long-term efforts by the group.
"The practices described in the video by this temporary regional sub-contractor do not in any way comport with our long standing policies on organizing events, and those statements and sentiments do not represent the values that the Committee holds dear," Brazile said in a statement. "We do not believe, or have any evidence to suggest, that the activities articulated in the video actually occurred."
Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies - CNNPolitics.com
A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.
Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.
In the past, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.
Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton's campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.
"I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election," Creamer said in a statement. "As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign."
He confirmed that he was referring to the Clinton campaign, with which he was "fully integrated."
Creamer added that "contrary to the outrageous claims of the notorious right wing blogger James O'Keefe, we have always adhered to the highest standards of transparency and legality in our work for the DNC."
He also denied that any of the schemes in the "hypothetical conversations" recorded for the video ever took place.
"We regret the unprofessional and careless hypothetical conversations that were captured on hidden cameras of a regional contractor for our firm, and he is no longer working with us," he said. "While none of the schemes described in the conversations every took place, these conversations do not at all reflect the values of Democracy Partners."
Democracy Partners called O'Keefe's video a "well-funded, systematic spy operation that is the modern day equivalent of the Watergate burglars."
Creamer told CNN that the national field director of Americans United for Change, Scott Foval, who was also recorded in the video, made false comments that are wrong about inciting violence at the rallies. Foval has since been fired from Americans United for Change, which had a contracting relationship with Democracy Partners.
"I mean, honestly, it's not hard to get some of these a------- to pop off," Foval purportedly says at one point in the video. "It's a matter of showing up, to want to get into their rally, in a Planned Parenthood T-shirt. Or 'Trump is a Nazi,' you know. You can message to draw them out, and draw them out to punch you."
Creamer said Foval's comments were "flat out wrong."
"We have gone to extreme measures to ensure no violence took place at any of our (counter protest) rallies," Creamer told CNN.
In 2005, Creamer pleaded guilty to tax violations and $2.3 million in bank fraud in relation to his operation of public interest groups in the 1990s.
DNC distances itself
The DNC quickly distanced itself from the accusations. Donna Brazile, the interim DNC chair, said O'Keefe "is a convicted criminal with a history of doctoring video to advance his ideological agenda" and that the practices have nothing to do with long-term efforts by the group.
"The practices described in the video by this temporary regional sub-contractor do not in any way comport with our long standing policies on organizing events, and those statements and sentiments do not represent the values that the Committee holds dear," Brazile said in a statement. "We do not believe, or have any evidence to suggest, that the activities articulated in the video actually occurred."
Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies - CNNPolitics.com
And it's got nothing to do with the Russians that Obama and Hillary are whining about;
Besides suggesting Russian conspiracy theories to distract from the content of the emails, Clinton supporters have amended their arguments by claiming the content is benign, that many of these revelations are how politics operate or they’re not surprising because they simply reaffirm widely held suspicions about Clinton.
Yet the perpetrators of these same arguments spent the entirety of the Democratic primaries denying the veracity of claims from Bernie Sanders supporters that the thing was rigged for Clinton. Saying the content of the WikiLeaks emails demonstrates normal, dull politics is an attempt to normalize the corruption, manipulation and deceitfulness revealed as a standard procedure within the campaign.
Repeatedly using victims as political props, pandering to voter demographics not out of genuine concern for the issues they care about, but solely as an attempt to manufacture their support, bullying media outlets for more favorable coverage, dangling press access in exchange for serving the Clinton agenda, and the overt differences between Clinton’s private and public policy stances are some of the notable violations of ethics revealed in Podesta’s emails. Yet, the same mainstream media outlets that enabled Clinton’s coronation in the Democratic primaries are the same ones now currently shielding Clinton with impunity.
In the likely event that Clinton is elected president, these same media outlets will prop up the policies and efforts of another Clinton Administration, in an attempt to manufacture consent for legislation that benefits the increasingly-pervasive oligarchy the government has become, while working and middle class Americans remain underrepresented and left behind. The disproportionate bias for Clinton and her brand of politics throughout the mainstream media, as exemplified in coverage of WikiLeaks, are an impediment to democracy rather than serving to promote and expand it.
Top Dems Rush to Rescue Clinton with WikiLeaks Conspiracy Theories | Observer:
Besides suggesting Russian conspiracy theories to distract from the content of the emails, Clinton supporters have amended their arguments by claiming the content is benign, that many of these revelations are how politics operate or they’re not surprising because they simply reaffirm widely held suspicions about Clinton.
Yet the perpetrators of these same arguments spent the entirety of the Democratic primaries denying the veracity of claims from Bernie Sanders supporters that the thing was rigged for Clinton. Saying the content of the WikiLeaks emails demonstrates normal, dull politics is an attempt to normalize the corruption, manipulation and deceitfulness revealed as a standard procedure within the campaign.
Repeatedly using victims as political props, pandering to voter demographics not out of genuine concern for the issues they care about, but solely as an attempt to manufacture their support, bullying media outlets for more favorable coverage, dangling press access in exchange for serving the Clinton agenda, and the overt differences between Clinton’s private and public policy stances are some of the notable violations of ethics revealed in Podesta’s emails. Yet, the same mainstream media outlets that enabled Clinton’s coronation in the Democratic primaries are the same ones now currently shielding Clinton with impunity.
In the likely event that Clinton is elected president, these same media outlets will prop up the policies and efforts of another Clinton Administration, in an attempt to manufacture consent for legislation that benefits the increasingly-pervasive oligarchy the government has become, while working and middle class Americans remain underrepresented and left behind. The disproportionate bias for Clinton and her brand of politics throughout the mainstream media, as exemplified in coverage of WikiLeaks, are an impediment to democracy rather than serving to promote and expand it.
Top Dems Rush to Rescue Clinton with WikiLeaks Conspiracy Theories | Observer:
If this is how it’s going to be, Democratic presidential candidates will have no reason to specifically court voters in the primaries. Instead they will instead focus on gaining influence within the DNC and Democratic Party leadership, so that behind the scenes, those officials can manufacture consent for their preferred candidate’s coronation among the Democratic Party’s registered voters.
DNC Lawyers Argue Neutrality Is Merely a ‘Political Promise’ | Observer:
DNC Lawyers Argue Neutrality Is Merely a ‘Political Promise’ | Observer:
The wheels of Justice barely turn when it comes to taking on big money; especially the "too big to fail and jail" banks.
Even when there are charges they are usually against the corporation not the human beings that manage them and who are actually responsible for the crimes.
It will be interesting to see how this latest move by the CA AG who is running for the Senate by the way, will unfold.
Is this just another empty gesture to make it a appear that the AG is tough on Wall Street (vote for me) or are are there orange jump suits going to be handed out?
California attorney general investigating Wells Fargo on allegations of criminal identity theft - LA Times:
Even when there are charges they are usually against the corporation not the human beings that manage them and who are actually responsible for the crimes.
It will be interesting to see how this latest move by the CA AG who is running for the Senate by the way, will unfold.
Is this just another empty gesture to make it a appear that the AG is tough on Wall Street (vote for me) or are are there orange jump suits going to be handed out?
California attorney general investigating Wells Fargo on allegations of criminal identity theft - LA Times:
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
FBI Agents: Comey ‘Stood In The Way’ Of Clinton Investigation
Usually those who RIG it.
If you go behind the scenes and ask you hear a whole different story;
FBI agents say the bureau is alarmed over Director James Comey deciding not to suggest that the Justice Department prosecute Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/17/exclusive-fbi-agents-say-comey-stood-in-the-way-of-clinton-email-investigation/#ixzz4NTfNlM7H
Usually those who RIG it.
If you go behind the scenes and ask you hear a whole different story;
FBI agents say the bureau is alarmed over Director James Comey deciding not to suggest that the Justice Department prosecute Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/17/exclusive-fbi-agents-say-comey-stood-in-the-way-of-clinton-email-investigation/#ixzz4NTfNlM7H
Monday, October 17, 2016
Wikileaks has released a new batch of hacked emails from the account of Hillary Clinton's campaign boss.
The revelations keep coming from the cyber-breach, and the anti-secrecy website says it will release tens of thousands more emails between now and election day next month.
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, whose emails were hacked, has claimed the Russian government was behind the leak and the Trump campaign knew about it in advance.
Mr Podesta has refused to confirm or deny the emails' authenticity, suggesting some could have been doctored, without so far pinpointing any of the correspondence as fake.
A dozen revelations from Wikileaks' hacked Clinton emails - BBC News:
The revelations keep coming from the cyber-breach, and the anti-secrecy website says it will release tens of thousands more emails between now and election day next month.
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, whose emails were hacked, has claimed the Russian government was behind the leak and the Trump campaign knew about it in advance.
Mr Podesta has refused to confirm or deny the emails' authenticity, suggesting some could have been doctored, without so far pinpointing any of the correspondence as fake.
A dozen revelations from Wikileaks' hacked Clinton emails - BBC News:
In the interview, the unnamed official says that Patrick Kennedy, undersecretary of state for management, tried in late June or early July of last year to get the FBI to change a classified email to unclassified, in exchange for the State Department allowing the FBI to place agents in more countries.
The conversation allegedly occurred as the FBI and State were engaging in an interagency review of Clinton’s emails as they were being prepared for public release. Ultimately, FBI Director James Comey said just over 100 emails retrieved from Clinton’s server were deemed classified after the fact, although the Democratic nominee contends she never knowingly sent or received classified emails.
In an exchange that included redacted names, the interview notes state that “[REDACTED] received a call from [REDACTED] of the International Operations Division (IOD) of the FBI, who ‘pressured’ him to change the classified email to unclassified. [REDACTED] indicated he had been contacted by PATRICK KENNEDY, Undersecretary of State, who had asked his assistance in altering the email’s classification in exchange for a ‘quid pro quo.’”
The notes go on to say, “[REDACTED] advised that, in exchange for marking the email unclassified, STATE would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more Agents in countries where they are presently forbidden.”
An unnamed official alleges that Kennedy followed up this request by asking during a private meeting whether the FBI could “see their way to marking the email unclassified?”
“According to [REDACTED], KENNEDY spent the next 15 minutes debating the classification of the email and attempting to influence the FBI to change its markings.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/fbi-state-department-clinton-email-229880#ixzz4NNRVC2HT
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In response to the leaked emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, the head of the U.S. Bishops Conference (USCCB) has issued a stern statement decrying efforts to interfere in the Church’s self-governance for “short-term political gain.”
The statement from Louisville Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, President of the USCCB, came after an uproar over revelations that Podesta had set up two “Catholic” dummy organizations to exert influence over Church teaching in the wake of the Obama administration’s HHS mandate and to bring about a “Catholic spring.”
In leaked emails, Sandy Newman, founder of the left-wing group, Voices for Progress, asked Podesta for advice on how best to “plant the seeds of the revolution” within the Catholic Church. In response, Podesta boasted that he had already founded two organizations for this purpose: “Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good” and “Catholics United,” a group accused in 2012 of seeking “to silence the Church from speaking to the great moral issues of our age.”
Kurtz suggested that Podesta’s actions constituted a breach of religious freedom, “one of the founding principles of our republic,” which ensures the right of faith communities to “preserve the integrity of their beliefs and proper self-governance.”
Head of US bishops blasts Team Hillary for meddling in ‘internal life of the Church’
The statement from Louisville Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, President of the USCCB, came after an uproar over revelations that Podesta had set up two “Catholic” dummy organizations to exert influence over Church teaching in the wake of the Obama administration’s HHS mandate and to bring about a “Catholic spring.”
In leaked emails, Sandy Newman, founder of the left-wing group, Voices for Progress, asked Podesta for advice on how best to “plant the seeds of the revolution” within the Catholic Church. In response, Podesta boasted that he had already founded two organizations for this purpose: “Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good” and “Catholics United,” a group accused in 2012 of seeking “to silence the Church from speaking to the great moral issues of our age.”
Kurtz suggested that Podesta’s actions constituted a breach of religious freedom, “one of the founding principles of our republic,” which ensures the right of faith communities to “preserve the integrity of their beliefs and proper self-governance.”
Head of US bishops blasts Team Hillary for meddling in ‘internal life of the Church’
Wikileaks Has the Smoking Gun That Hillary Camp Attacked Obama's Muslim Heritage in 2008:
The “October Surprise” from Wikileaks has been an early Christmas gift for Hillary Clinton's critics.
And with the 7th leak of the Podesta emails now available, a new bombshell reveals how Team Clinton floated the idea of using Obama's Muslim heritage to attack him politically.
In a 2008 email titled “McCain Survey Take 3,” Kristi Fuska, a polling analyst for the Democrat Party, fired off a series of talking points to Bill Clinton's ex-chief political strategist, Paul Begala.
The introduction in the email message relays that the survey has been reworked, but still calls the following talking points “negative facts”:
The “October Surprise” from Wikileaks has been an early Christmas gift for Hillary Clinton's critics.
And with the 7th leak of the Podesta emails now available, a new bombshell reveals how Team Clinton floated the idea of using Obama's Muslim heritage to attack him politically.
In a 2008 email titled “McCain Survey Take 3,” Kristi Fuska, a polling analyst for the Democrat Party, fired off a series of talking points to Bill Clinton's ex-chief political strategist, Paul Begala.
The introduction in the email message relays that the survey has been reworked, but still calls the following talking points “negative facts”:

Sunday, October 16, 2016
Another day, another bombshell Clinton email reveal — courtesy of Wikileaks. This one centers around the opinion of a prominent lawyer and her colleagues about Hillary's use of a private email server, which the lawyer shared with the Clinton campaign in a 2015 email.
As reported by The Daily Caller, attorney Erika Rottenberg told Clinton staffers that the whole thing “smacks of acting above the law.”
In the June 22, 2015, email, which Rottenberg sent to Stephanie Hannon, chief technical officer of the campaign, and senior campaign policy advisor Ann O'Leary, she wrote:
“I know when I talk to my friends who are attorneys we are all struggling with what happened to the emails and aren’t satisfied with answers to date.
While we all know of the occasional use of personal email addresses for business, none of my friends circle can understand how it was viewed as ok/secure/appropriate to use a private server for secure documents.
AND why further Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in.
It smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing I’ve either gotten discovery sanctions for, fired people for, etc.”
How much clearer could an objective legal opinion be? Rottenberg also shared the opinion of a colleague who was even more direct:
"Ok, one thing to use personal email, but why the 'twisted truth' on why — with the two problematic areas being (a) emails to bill (when they were to bill’s staff) and (b) i only used one device — BB, when 2 weeks earlier, it was an iphone, BB and ipad.
As Ann and I discussed, hopefully that’s a timing issue and whilst in state, she only used one. :).”
Yeah, that clear.
Hillary has steadfastly maintained that she neither sent nor received emails marked “classified,” and that she's been truthful with both the FBI and the American people.
She reiterated the claim during a contentious July interview with Fox's Chris Wallace.
On Thursday, she submitted written answers to questions to conservative legal watchdog Judicial Watch — under threat of perjury. Here are all 25 questions and answers.
Another Bombshell Email: Attorney Told Team Hillary in 2015 Her Email Scandal ‘Smacks Of Acting Above The Law’:
As reported by The Daily Caller, attorney Erika Rottenberg told Clinton staffers that the whole thing “smacks of acting above the law.”
In the June 22, 2015, email, which Rottenberg sent to Stephanie Hannon, chief technical officer of the campaign, and senior campaign policy advisor Ann O'Leary, she wrote:
“I know when I talk to my friends who are attorneys we are all struggling with what happened to the emails and aren’t satisfied with answers to date.
While we all know of the occasional use of personal email addresses for business, none of my friends circle can understand how it was viewed as ok/secure/appropriate to use a private server for secure documents.
AND why further Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in.
It smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing I’ve either gotten discovery sanctions for, fired people for, etc.”
How much clearer could an objective legal opinion be? Rottenberg also shared the opinion of a colleague who was even more direct:
"Ok, one thing to use personal email, but why the 'twisted truth' on why — with the two problematic areas being (a) emails to bill (when they were to bill’s staff) and (b) i only used one device — BB, when 2 weeks earlier, it was an iphone, BB and ipad.
As Ann and I discussed, hopefully that’s a timing issue and whilst in state, she only used one. :).”
Yeah, that clear.
Hillary has steadfastly maintained that she neither sent nor received emails marked “classified,” and that she's been truthful with both the FBI and the American people.
She reiterated the claim during a contentious July interview with Fox's Chris Wallace.
On Thursday, she submitted written answers to questions to conservative legal watchdog Judicial Watch — under threat of perjury. Here are all 25 questions and answers.
Another Bombshell Email: Attorney Told Team Hillary in 2015 Her Email Scandal ‘Smacks Of Acting Above The Law’:
Hillary and friends would like Americans to believe that the people exposing the corruption they are involved in is illegal.
It's also a Russian plot to sabotage the election.
Expecting that Americans will buy that crazy-making claim assumes that they are dumber than dumb.
CNN’s Chris Cuomo told viewers it is illegal for them to possess emails leaked by the website WikiLeaks, and as a result they could not read them and had to rely entirely on the media to learn about their content.
Cuomo’s comments were made early Wednesday morning, but they attracted no attention until a clip was uploaded to YouTube Sunday morning.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/16/cnn-host-claims-its-illegal-for-public-to-view-wikileaks-emails-video/#ixzz4NIiPLD15
It's also a Russian plot to sabotage the election.
Expecting that Americans will buy that crazy-making claim assumes that they are dumber than dumb.
Cuomo’s comments were made early Wednesday morning, but they attracted no attention until a clip was uploaded to YouTube Sunday morning.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/16/cnn-host-claims-its-illegal-for-public-to-view-wikileaks-emails-video/#ixzz4NIiPLD15
Email Shows How Carefully Clinton Released Health And Tax Records |
Email Shows How Carefully Clinton Released Health And Tax Records |: Email Shows How Carefully Clinton Released Health And Tax Records | -
Saturday, October 15, 2016
It's really silly but then the Main Stream Media tends to lean towards the silly and ridiculous in their ongoing efforts to misinform America about crooked politicians they support.
Here's an example.........
The hideous, diabolical truth about Hillary Clinton - The Washington Post:
Here's an example.........
The hideous, diabolical truth about Hillary Clinton - The Washington Post:
Hillary had good reason not to release the transcripts to her Wall Street speeches, and now Main Street Americans can get a peek at how Hillary made herself the darling of Wall Street and got rich in the process.
Here Are Hillary Clinton's Three Speeches To Goldman Sachs For Which She Was Paid $675,000:
As has been widely reported, in 2013 Hillary Clinton was paid $675,000 [4]for three speeches to Goldman Sachs. One was delivered on June 4, 2013 at the 2013 IBD CEO Annual Conference at The Inn at Palmetto Bluff in South Carolina, a second one took place on October 24, 2013 at the Goldman Sachs Asset Management AIMS Alternative Investment Symposium, and the last one was delivered on October 29, 2013 at the Goldman Sachs builders and innovators summit.
The speech transcripts, in their entirety, were revealed for the first time in an email from Tony Carrk [5], research director at Hillary for America, in an email dated January 23, 2016, and disclosed to the public for the first time ever during today's latest Wikileak of Podesta emails.
Here Are Hillary Clinton's Three Speeches To Goldman Sachs For Which She Was Paid $675,000:
Here Are Hillary Clinton's Three Speeches To Goldman Sachs For Which She Was Paid $675,000:
As has been widely reported, in 2013 Hillary Clinton was paid $675,000 [4]for three speeches to Goldman Sachs. One was delivered on June 4, 2013 at the 2013 IBD CEO Annual Conference at The Inn at Palmetto Bluff in South Carolina, a second one took place on October 24, 2013 at the Goldman Sachs Asset Management AIMS Alternative Investment Symposium, and the last one was delivered on October 29, 2013 at the Goldman Sachs builders and innovators summit.
The speech transcripts, in their entirety, were revealed for the first time in an email from Tony Carrk [5], research director at Hillary for America, in an email dated January 23, 2016, and disclosed to the public for the first time ever during today's latest Wikileak of Podesta emails.
Here Are Hillary Clinton's Three Speeches To Goldman Sachs For Which She Was Paid $675,000:
Is the First Lady not aware that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted and/or harassed a White House intern in the very same Oval Office her husband now occupies?
How can that not upset her?
Or would she defend Bill Clinton by saying that the sex was consensual? The intern was an adult and even though her boss, the President was asking her for oral sex there was nothing untoward going on there.
How about the fact that Bill was married to Hillary at the time? Or that he was the President and the woman was one of his interns? Nothing immoral there?
How does that compare to what Trump is being accused of?
Is Michelle being hypocritical or just political?
Michelle Obama: Calling Trump’s comments ‘locker-room talk’ is an ‘insult to decent men’
How can that not upset her?
Or would she defend Bill Clinton by saying that the sex was consensual? The intern was an adult and even though her boss, the President was asking her for oral sex there was nothing untoward going on there.
How about the fact that Bill was married to Hillary at the time? Or that he was the President and the woman was one of his interns? Nothing immoral there?
How does that compare to what Trump is being accused of?
Is Michelle being hypocritical or just political?
Michelle Obama: Calling Trump’s comments ‘locker-room talk’ is an ‘insult to decent men’
Maybe if it's framed that way the Main Stream Media would give it as much attention as they are to Trump's decades old trash talk and alleged escapades.
You could say that being paid these obscene amounts of money for nothing more than 1 hour pep talks is form of prostitution.
WASHINGTON (TheBlaze/AP) — Hillary Clinton’s campaign asked former President Bill Clinton to cancel a speech to a Wall Street investment firm last year because of concerns that the Clintons might appear to be too cozy with Wall Street just as the former secretary of state was about to announce her White House bid, newly released emails show.
Clinton aides say in hacked emails released Friday by WikiLeaks that Hillary Clinton did not want her husband to cancel the speech, but after a “cool down period” was eventually convinced that canceling was the right step.
Campaign manager Robby Mook said he realized canceling the lucrative speech would disappoint both Clintons but “it’s a very consequential unforced error and could plague us in stories for months.”
The Clintons’ paid speeches have been an issue throughout the campaign, particularly Hillary Clinton’s private speeches to Wall Street firms. Hillary Clinton earned about $1.5 million in speaking fees before launching her presidential campaign, while Bill Clinton reaped more than $5 million from banking, tech and other corporate interests, according to financial documents filed by Hillary Clinton.
The campaign has never released transcripts of Hillary Clinton’s speeches, but the hacked emails did reveal excerpts flagged by her advisers as potentially concerning.
In the excerpts, Clinton talked about dreaming of “open trade and open borders” in the Western Hemisphere. She also says politicians sometimes need to have “both a public and a private position” on issues.
Bill Clinton was scheduled to speak to Morgan Stanley executives in April 2015, a few days after his wife was set to launch her bid for president.
“That’s begging for a bad rollout,” Mook wrote in a March 11, 2015, email.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Hillary invokes the 'I don't recall' defense - better than short circuiting.
Her answers to questions about her email usage was submitted to conservative legal watchdog Judicial Watch. The following is her written response:
“Secretary Clinton states that she does not recall being advised, cautioned, or warned,” about her private email server, Hillary Clinton's lawyers wrote.
“She does not recall that it was ever suggested to her, and she does not recall participating in any communication, conversation, or meeting in which it was discussed that her use of a clintonemail.com e-mail account to conduct official State Department business conflicted with or violated federal record keeping laws.”
The legal document, filed “under penalty of perjury,” was signed by Hillary Clinton on Monday. Here are all 25 answers Hillary Clinton gave about her email server under penalty of perjury.
Hillary Clinton Just Submitted Her Written Response to Email Scandal 'Under Penalty of Perjury':
“Secretary Clinton states that she does not recall being advised, cautioned, or warned,” about her private email server, Hillary Clinton's lawyers wrote.
“She does not recall that it was ever suggested to her, and she does not recall participating in any communication, conversation, or meeting in which it was discussed that her use of a clintonemail.com e-mail account to conduct official State Department business conflicted with or violated federal record keeping laws.”
The legal document, filed “under penalty of perjury,” was signed by Hillary Clinton on Monday. Here are all 25 answers Hillary Clinton gave about her email server under penalty of perjury.
Hillary Clinton Just Submitted Her Written Response to Email Scandal 'Under Penalty of Perjury':
The Main Stream Media is parading everyone and anyone who comes out of the closet to claim they were assaulted by Trump while nary a peep is made about the group of women who were sexually assaulted or harassed by Bill Clinton while in the Oval Office and before.
The only media attention given them is to ridicule or discount their stories.
Could this be the "rig" Trump is talking about?
In a chat on the website Sidewire on Thursday, Yahoo! News reporter Michael Isikoff said that the NBC footage of Broaddrick’s “Dateline” interview would show that she told interviewer Lisa Myers that Hillary Clinton attempted to intimidate her weeks after the alleged rape, which Broaddrick says occurred at a Little Rock hotel in 1978.
“Broaddrick told her story to NBC and the WashPost in 99. Both organizations closely vetted her story and chose to run it,” wrote Isikoff.
“Also, NBC has the full tape of the original Lisa Meyers [sic] interview,” he added
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/13/michael-isikoff-calls-on-nbc-news-to-release-full-footage-of-1999-interview-with-juanita-broaddrick/#ixzz4N6TIMTkq
“Broaddrick told her story to NBC and the WashPost in 99. Both organizations closely vetted her story and chose to run it,” wrote Isikoff.
“Also, NBC has the full tape of the original Lisa Meyers [sic] interview,” he added
Clinton Foundation A Slush Fund For Political Favors from Hillary
But most serious disclosure in the review was that donors expected a “quid pro quo” in return for their contributions. “Some interviewees reported conflicts of those raising funds or donors, some of whom may have an expectation of quid pro quo benefits in return for gifts.”
The reviewers did not identify the fundraisers or the donors. But many prominent foreign leaders gave millions to the foundation, ranging from Middle East sheiks, Eastern European tycoons, African mining magnets and American billionaires. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: House Letter Calls Clinton Foundation ‘Lawless’)
“This was bright line illegal,” Wall Street analyst and philanthropy expert Charles Ortel told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “This is a rogue charity that was out of control for years. And the trustees elected to not correct them. We’re not talking about people with no knowledge of the laws. These are people who can’t claim ignorance.”
The foundation was then led by director Terry McAuliffe, Bill’s most successful political fundraiser and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee who is now Virginia’s governor. McAuliffe gave the Clintons a $1.35 million gift that allowed them to buy their 11-room Chappaqua, New York, mansion in 1999.
Simpson Thacher found the board played no meaningful role in deciding either the Clinton Foundation’s strategic policies or in evaluating the effectiveness of the organization’s global programs for the poor.
“Failures by boards of directors in fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities may arise when a board leaves governing responsibility to a small number of people, some of whom may have conflicts of interest that can mar their judgment,” the review said.
While foundations of comparable size meet on a quarterly basis, the review found that the Clinton Foundation board meetings were convened only once a year and appeared to be held mainly to satisfy state and federal charity laws.
“We believe that one meeting a year is inadequate for public charities of this size and complexity,” the review charged. “The foundation’s outside auditors noted as a material weakness the lack of board meetings and that board minutes are not signed. This weakness was not corrected even after being noted by the auditors. In addition, minutes appear to have been cloned from one year to the next.”
The reviewers also found that none of the board members had “strong financial know-how to participate in the annual audit process. We recommend that the board appoint an audit committee consisting of independent directors with strong financial know-how.”
The review said “conflicts are not timely disclosed” and “when staff becomes aware of conflicts, they are unsure how to raise and clear these conflicts. Finally, board members do not appear to be following the policy when they become aware of conflicts.”
“This appears to be a case study in charity fraud,” Ortel told TheDCNF. “And nonetheless, afterwards the record shows no changes were made, this charity even went around the world raising even more money.”
The law firm’s findings were delivered to Clinton Foundation chief Bruce Lindsey and to John Podesta, a close confidant of the Clintons. Podesta was White House chief of staff under Bill and is now Hillary’s national campaign chairman.
The unrelentingly critical review was likely shared with Hillary while she was secretary of state.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/14/bombshell-clinton-foundation-donors-expected-benefits-in-return-for-gifts/#ixzz4N6PaFsQI
“This was bright line illegal,” Wall Street analyst and philanthropy expert Charles Ortel told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “This is a rogue charity that was out of control for years. And the trustees elected to not correct them. We’re not talking about people with no knowledge of the laws. These are people who can’t claim ignorance.”
The foundation was then led by director Terry McAuliffe, Bill’s most successful political fundraiser and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee who is now Virginia’s governor. McAuliffe gave the Clintons a $1.35 million gift that allowed them to buy their 11-room Chappaqua, New York, mansion in 1999.
Simpson Thacher found the board played no meaningful role in deciding either the Clinton Foundation’s strategic policies or in evaluating the effectiveness of the organization’s global programs for the poor.
“Failures by boards of directors in fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities may arise when a board leaves governing responsibility to a small number of people, some of whom may have conflicts of interest that can mar their judgment,” the review said.
While foundations of comparable size meet on a quarterly basis, the review found that the Clinton Foundation board meetings were convened only once a year and appeared to be held mainly to satisfy state and federal charity laws.
“We believe that one meeting a year is inadequate for public charities of this size and complexity,” the review charged. “The foundation’s outside auditors noted as a material weakness the lack of board meetings and that board minutes are not signed. This weakness was not corrected even after being noted by the auditors. In addition, minutes appear to have been cloned from one year to the next.”
The reviewers also found that none of the board members had “strong financial know-how to participate in the annual audit process. We recommend that the board appoint an audit committee consisting of independent directors with strong financial know-how.”
The review said “conflicts are not timely disclosed” and “when staff becomes aware of conflicts, they are unsure how to raise and clear these conflicts. Finally, board members do not appear to be following the policy when they become aware of conflicts.”
“This appears to be a case study in charity fraud,” Ortel told TheDCNF. “And nonetheless, afterwards the record shows no changes were made, this charity even went around the world raising even more money.”
The law firm’s findings were delivered to Clinton Foundation chief Bruce Lindsey and to John Podesta, a close confidant of the Clintons. Podesta was White House chief of staff under Bill and is now Hillary’s national campaign chairman.
The unrelentingly critical review was likely shared with Hillary while she was secretary of state.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/14/bombshell-clinton-foundation-donors-expected-benefits-in-return-for-gifts/#ixzz4N6PaFsQI
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