Sunday, February 16, 2014


That's the kind of justice doled out on the southern side of the Mason-Dixon line.

It's not about justice per se' ,but more about skin color.

This is how it works.

If you are white person and kill a black person; even if it just for playing music too loud, you are "not guilty" of murder.  If there are no witnesses you are free to go. If there are witnesses and they take the oath to tell the truth seriously, you may end up with probation or a little jail time.

If you are a black person and kill a white person for any reason; "guilty" hands down and it's only a matter of deciding on the death penalty or life behind bars.

Many of my learned friends (hypocrites that they are) will argue that's not true. I'm over-reacting, playing the racist card, being unfair. To them I say; please cite how many blacks have been found not guilty when the charge involved killing a white person.  I ask that you please don't play the "juice" card since we all know that was a fluke. So, anyone other than OJ please.

As for the rest of us, justice works about the same regardless of geography;

Black on black crime; everyone's guilty.

White on white crime; depends on who you can afford to defend you.

The signs may have dissappeared but the attitudes and beliefs remain and this is another example of it.

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