Monday, May 18, 2020

Did Cuomo act as Executioner? NY policy forced nursing homes to take in COVID-19 patients - TheBlaze

EXPOSED: NY policy forced nursing homes to take in COVID-19 patients - TheBlaze

Oh, Gov. Cuomo! You can't seem to get anything right. Even when you're technically right, you're still very wrong.

It IS common for nursing homes to send those who fall ill to the hospital for more intensive care. However, it's uncommon for hospitals to send those needing critical care to a nursing home for intensive care. And yet, policy forced New York nursing homes to support hospitals by taking in COVID-19 patients.

Why? Because propaganda said, "hospitals could not handle the influx of COVID-19 patients."

The policy enforced in Cuomo's state resulted in a tragically high number of nursing home deaths related to COVID-19.

 It's reasonable to doubt Gov. Cuomo when he tells the American people his lovely state of New York "did everything possible to keep COVID-19 out of nursing homes."

Why? Because policy dictates that nursing homes could not turn away COVID-19 patients, making the exact opposite true.

Cuomo finally announced last week that nursing homes would no longer be forced to accept patients with COVID-19.

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