Sunday, November 11, 2012


Like Ebenezer of old there is a group of self-centered, simple-minded, wealth hoarders that would rather waste billions of dollars destroying the country that made them rich rather than providing health care to the people who have worked their asses off creating the wealth they hoard. This culture of greed where selling the rope to hang yourself is considered being smart has far too long been given a pass in being held accountable for the damage they have wreaked upon this country.

We let them get away with playing the "trickle down" game when we know full well it is never going to happen. We buy into the BS that if we were to make them pay their fair share in taxes it would hurt us because they are the "job creators" where in the real world they either destroy or ship jobs to slave labor countries. 

To add insult to injury these "vulture capitalists" are praised for being slick and conniving in their exploitation of working people and manipulation of our system. 

They wail that if it was not for them building their business we would not have jobs where the EXACT opposite is true. They didn't "build that" it's the people who do the real work; day in and day out, that built their businesses that generated their wealth. Yet, they want to say that these people don't deserve healthcare or pensions and job security because it would hurt their "bottom line" and take away from the piles of cash they hoard in far off places so not to pay their fair share of taxes and support this country. 

We would like to believe that, like Ebenezer, they would learn the error of their ways, but that would require that they wake up to their simple-minded, foolish ways and take responsibility for the damage they have caused.

If Zane Tankel, the CEO of Applebee’s New York Franchise, Apple-Metro is a spokesperson for the status quo, then we should not hold our breath waiting for them to change.

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