Thursday, November 15, 2012


It's amazing that in a country where 1% of our population hoards 45% of our wealth millionaires and billionaires would have the audacity to complain that the other 99% of Americans "want stuff." 

Isn't Mitt's car elevator stuff? Isn't Anne Romneys $2,000 T-shirt? stuff? Isn't a $20,000 Rolex wrist watch stuff? Isn't a $150,000 Rolls Royce stuff? 

Yet these clowns would complain about a middle class college student asking for a break on their student loan. Or an unemployed person asking for food stamps and healthcare for their family. Or a homeowner asking for a break on an overblown mortgage one of those millionaires got rich on. 

People that believe that all the over priced junk they hoard is more valuable than the basic needs of their fellow citizens they are totally an unequivocaly morally bankrupt. Rather than sucking the life blood out of the poor and middle class these glorified leeches should follow the lead of people like Warren Buffett who is smart enough and humane enough to know which side his bread is buttered on and is more than willing to share what he understands is not his to keep. A 35% tax on accumulated wealth is chump change compared to what is hoarded.  A 99% tax on baubles like Rolexs, Roll's, Yatchs, 3rd, 4th, and 5th homes and, oh, let's not forget car elevators would be no less than appropriate and morally correct. 

The time for Americans to grow up and wake up to what is happening to their country is long overdue. 

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