Sunday, February 26, 2023

DELIBERATE ATTACK OR ACCIDENT? COVID lab leak is a scandal of media and government censorship

COVID lab leak is a scandal of media and government censorship

The interesting thing about conspiracy theories is that a number of them turn out to be true (see; or read up on;

So have you ever asked yourself? SELF?

* Why do they put male rapists in female prisons?

* Why do medical professionals who took an oath of "do no harm" mutilate children by surgicaly removing their genitalia and stunting their natural puberty development based on nothing more than the child's consent/ fantasies? 

* Why are people that suffer from dementia and other cognitive disabilties allowed to serve in puplic office when it's obvious they are not competent perfom the job and would not be hired in the private sector?

* Why are lawmakers permitted to ignore the needs of their constiuents and protect the country from threats by estabishing secure borders and preserving the infrastructure instead of defending and financing  foriegn countries that present no clear or present danger to our population or soverienty?

* If "gender dysphoria" is a mental illness, why has it been normalized in society and males can claim to menstruate and give birth in complete contradiction of medical science? 

The list could go on for many more pages but I think the message is clear; this country is in DEEP DODO!

The next question that begs to be asked and answered is; why is this happening? And, this is where the "Conspiracy Theory" takes the stand.

The following are a few assumptions that might benefit a closer look;

#1  DON'T DRINK THE WATER before testing it for hallucenegetic content. 


A  point of reference might be the 1960's CIA LSD experiments or rewathching the Manchurian Candidate, or even going back to the Tuskeege experiments. Then there's Nazi Germany and Dr Mengle. ALL providing clues as to what might be going on today. 

There are those who will say NUT JOB CONSPIACY THEORIES! and I say go for it! But, to those who might be clear headed to say; HEY! It's worth looking into. The worse that could happen is that there would actually be nothing more more than "conspiracy theories" 

Something worth thinking about since history shows that the majority of so-called civilized societies "self destructed" and brought about their own demise with a little help from their friends and enemies. 

Applying that logic would it not appear that the US is in self-decline, part of which is by allowing a country that is clearly our enemy (China) to infiltrate our social structure, make us dependent on them for our basic needs, and ignore the harm it creates?

So the question is: how would the Chinese help promote our demise? Well, let's begin with COVID and the social and economic devastation that created by creating chaos, confusion, and social isolation' not to forget the division among the the US population that left everyone vulnerable to external threats. 

Then there's our lack of border security and the unchecked invasion by foriegners who "illegally" enter our country by the millions. Is that not an invasion comporable to Russia entering Ukraine who's borders our President asserted would be defended for "as long as it takes"? 

What about our crumbling infrastrucure and depeleted social service system? Why does the US prioritze protecting and supporting Ukraine's people and infrastructure while ignoring ours? 

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