Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Symptoms of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Symptoms of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

March 10, 2020 -- As testing for COVID-19 expands, cases are being picked up across the U.S., confirming what disease experts have predicted: that the virus has been here for some time and is making people sick.
That can make the occasional cough or sneeze suspicious. Is this COVID-19? How would you know if you have it?
The most detailed breakdown of symptoms of the disease comes from a recent World Health Organization analysis of more than 55,000 confirmed cases in China. Here are the most common symptoms and the percentage of people who had them:
COVID-19 is a lower respiratory tract infection, which means that most of the symptoms are felt in the chest and lungs. That’s different from colds that bring on an upper respiratory tract infection, where you get a runny nose and sinus congestion. Those symptoms seem to be mostly absent for people with COVID-19, though they’re not unheard of.

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