Saturday, December 29, 2018
Monday, December 17, 2018
What labor market changes have generated inequality and wage suppression?: Employer power is significant but largely constant, whereas workers’ power has been eroded by policy actions:
Labor markets in capitalist economies are fundamentally tilted against individual workers’ ability to bargain effectively with employers. In the past, when economic growth was broadly shared across the population, it was because policymakers understood this basic asymmetry and used policy levers to bolster the leverage and bargaining power of workers. Conversely, recent decades’ rise of inequality and anemic wage growth has resulted from a stripping away of these policy bulwarks to workers’ labor market power.
“Oh come on,” Comey said with a laugh. “Think of what’s happening to the Republican party. They’re up here attacking the FBI’s investigation of a guy who pled guilty to lying to the FBI. ‘He should have been warned you shouldn’t lie. He should have been told you can have a lawyer.’ Think of the state of affairs we’ve ended up in. That’s nonsense.”
Comey Blasts GOP, ‘Lying’ Trump: ‘At Some Point Someone Has to Stand Up’
Comey Blasts GOP, ‘Lying’ Trump: ‘At Some Point Someone Has to Stand Up’
Friday, December 14, 2018
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Is threatening to take down POTUS a threat against the Executive branch of government?
Are these elected officials violating their oaths of office by using their positions for personal gain by pandering to political factions?
Should these people be removed from office?
Incoming NY Attorney General vows to use full power of the State to get Trump
Is threatening to take down POTUS a threat against the Executive branch of government?
Are these elected officials violating their oaths of office by using their positions for personal gain by pandering to political factions?
Should these people be removed from office?
Incoming NY Attorney General vows to use full power of the State to get Trump
New York Attorney Gen.-elect Letitia James says she plans to launch sweeping investigations into President Donald Trump, his family and “anyone” in his circle who may have violated the law once she settles into her new job next month.“We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well,” James, a Democrat, told NBC News in her first extensive interview since she was elected last month.James outlined some of the probes she intends to pursue with regard to the president, his businesses and his family members. They include:
- Any potential illegalities involving Trump’s real estate holdings in New York, highlighting a New York Times investigation published in October into the president’s finances.
- The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Russian official.
- Examine government subsidies Trump received, which were also the subject of Times investigative work.
- Whether he is in violation of the emoluments clause in the U.S. Constitution through his New York businesses.
- Continue to probe the Trump Foundation.
“We want to investigate anyone in his orbit who has, in fact, violated the law,” said James, who was endorsed by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.James campaigned on passing a bill to change New York’s double jeopardy laws with an eye on possible pardons coming out of the White House. James told NBC News she wants to be able to pursue state charges against anyone the president were to pardon over federal charges or convictions and whose alleged crimes took place in the state. Under current New York law, she might not be able to do that…For her part, James said she thinks Mueller’s “doing an excellent job.”“I think he’s closing in on this president,” she said, “and his days are going to be coming to an end shortly.”
That the state prosecutors office would weaponized against a political opponent in such a way is a truly frightening reminder of what I wrote about in August 2018, The value of Trump to the Trump voter is that he stands between them and #TheResistance:
For once he tells the truth!
Michael Cohen sentence: Three years in prison.
In a classic case of insult being added to injury, Cohen received the sentence after his own lawyer, Guy Petrillo, argued that he should be shown lenience because he was too bumbling of a businessman to have really hurt anyone:
Michael Cohen sentence: Three years in prison.
In a classic case of insult being added to injury, Cohen received the sentence after his own lawyer, Guy Petrillo, argued that he should be shown lenience because he was too bumbling of a businessman to have really hurt anyone:
Global military spending increased by 3.9% in 2017, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The global rise was driven partially by a $9.6 billion hike in U.S. spending — the United States is the world’s largest defense spender by a wide margin. What growing arms investments will mean for the future of international peace is unclear. What is clear is that defense companies around the world are benefitting tremendously.
Total arms sales among the world’s 100 largest defense contractors topped $398 billion in 2017 after climbing for the third consecutive years. Notably, Russia became the second largest arms-producing country this year, overtaking the United Kingdom for the first time since 2002. The United States’ position as the top arms-producing nation in the world remains unchanged, and for now unchallenged.
The United States is home to half of the world’s 10 largest defense contractors, and American companies account for 57% of total arms sales of the world’s 100 largest defense contractors, based on SIPRI data.
20 Companies Profiting the Most from War - 24/7 Wall St.
Total arms sales among the world’s 100 largest defense contractors topped $398 billion in 2017 after climbing for the third consecutive years. Notably, Russia became the second largest arms-producing country this year, overtaking the United Kingdom for the first time since 2002. The United States’ position as the top arms-producing nation in the world remains unchanged, and for now unchallenged.
The United States is home to half of the world’s 10 largest defense contractors, and American companies account for 57% of total arms sales of the world’s 100 largest defense contractors, based on SIPRI data.
20 Companies Profiting the Most from War - 24/7 Wall St.
How does one serve 400 plus years in prison?
Do they keep his corpse in a cell for 4 centuries?
Why are rational people allowed to make these obviously absurd proclamations?
Charlottesville Jury Recommends 419 Years Plus Life For Neo-Nazi Who Killed Protester : NPR
Do they keep his corpse in a cell for 4 centuries?
Why are rational people allowed to make these obviously absurd proclamations?
Charlottesville Jury Recommends 419 Years Plus Life For Neo-Nazi Who Killed Protester : NPR
It looks like the Establishment is in it's death throes (I can hear the gurgling) in trying to find something (anything) that they can use to try and bring down POTUS.
It's so bad that they have had to resort to using material from a "tabloid" gossip rag to dredge up alleged misdeeds on the part of POTUS by promising not to prosecute the publication's owner if he agrees to tell them what they want to hear.
So, here we go again.
‘National Enquirer’ Owner Admits Trying To “Influence” 2016 Election | Deadline
It's so bad that they have had to resort to using material from a "tabloid" gossip rag to dredge up alleged misdeeds on the part of POTUS by promising not to prosecute the publication's owner if he agrees to tell them what they want to hear.
So, here we go again.
‘National Enquirer’ Owner Admits Trying To “Influence” 2016 Election | Deadline
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
If one looks into who benefits from having and illegal slave labor force it's evident that the Elites take center stage. The Establishment that pander to this privileged class are actively undermining any serious attempts to control what is obviously a porous border.
Trump administration files Supreme Court appeal after Ninth Circuit ruling halting new asylum policy | Fox News
The Trump administration on Tuesday formally asked the Supreme Court in an emergency appeal to block a nationwide ban on the administration's new asylum policy that was unilaterally instituted by a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals judge last month.
In a November news conference days before the midterm elections, Trump had vowed to turn away all asylum seekers who attempt to cross the border illegally instead of properly presenting themselves at ports of entry.
The president, who has long said the asylum process is rife with fraud, said the emergency policy was necessary as the leading Central American migrant caravan approached the U.S. border with Mexico.
However, U.S. District Judge Jon S. Tigar, who was nominated by President Obama in 2012 to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, issued a temporary restraining order two weeks later that brought a halt to the plan.
Last week, a separate federal appeals court in San Francisco said the White House's ban was inconsistent with federal law and represented an attempted end-run around Congress.
But, the Trump administration said in court papers filed Tuesday that the nationwide order preventing the policy from taking effect "is deeply flawed" and should be lifted pending an appeal that could reach the high court.
Trump administration files Supreme Court appeal after Ninth Circuit ruling halting new asylum policy | Fox News
The Trump administration on Tuesday formally asked the Supreme Court in an emergency appeal to block a nationwide ban on the administration's new asylum policy that was unilaterally instituted by a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals judge last month.
In a November news conference days before the midterm elections, Trump had vowed to turn away all asylum seekers who attempt to cross the border illegally instead of properly presenting themselves at ports of entry.
The president, who has long said the asylum process is rife with fraud, said the emergency policy was necessary as the leading Central American migrant caravan approached the U.S. border with Mexico.
However, U.S. District Judge Jon S. Tigar, who was nominated by President Obama in 2012 to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, issued a temporary restraining order two weeks later that brought a halt to the plan.
Last week, a separate federal appeals court in San Francisco said the White House's ban was inconsistent with federal law and represented an attempted end-run around Congress.
But, the Trump administration said in court papers filed Tuesday that the nationwide order preventing the policy from taking effect "is deeply flawed" and should be lifted pending an appeal that could reach the high court.
Looks like Avenatti is going to have to start up another crowdfunding campaign.
Stormy Daniels ordered to pay Trump $293,052.33 in attorneys' fees, costs, and sanctions
Stormy Daniels ordered to pay Trump $293,052.33 in attorneys' fees, costs, and sanctions
Monday, December 10, 2018
Small Towns Offer Clues to Life Expectancy Drop
Years of Gains Halted
A drop in national life expectancy hasn’t happened in this country since the AIDS epidemic exploded in the early 1990s, Benjamin says.
The signs are alarming:
The national opioid crisis is a major part of the current downturn. Overdose deaths, especially those of younger adults and men, have doubled since 2010, ballooning to more than 40,000 in 2016.
The national suicide rate has doubled during the last 10 years.
Rising mortality from drugs, suicides, and alcoholism -- particularly for white, middle-aged Americans without a college degree -- make up what researchers Anne Case and Angus Deaton call “deaths of despair.” Case and Deaton found that those deaths have increased since the late 1990s, in both rural and urban areas.
Several counties with the largest declines are clustered in eastern Kentucky -- the nucleus of the national opioid epidemic, which has decimated many of those counties. But the opioid epidemic is only one part of a complex group of reasons across the country. Ali Mokdad, PhD, a professor of health metrics science at the University of Washington, helped design and supervise the IHME county-level study and found four general causes for the life expectancy decline:
Socioeconomic factors like income and education
Access to health care, affected by under- or uninsured people
The quality of health care, including how long it takes to get treatment
And, most importantly, preventable things that can lead to health problems, like smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure
“As a country, we are improving, but we are not improving at the same rate of other rich countries, and we're falling behind,” Mokdad says. “In our country, there are many counties and communities that are getting left behind.”
U.S. life expectancy declines again, a dismal trend not seen since World War I
Other factors in the life expectancy decline include a spike in deaths from flulast winter and increases in deaths from chronic lower respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, strokes and suicide. Deaths from heart disease, the No. 1 killer of Americans, which had been declining until 2011, continued to level off.
Deaths from cancer continued their long, steady, downward trend.
The CDC issues its health statistics report each December. The 2017 report is the third in a row to show a decline in life expectancy.
Nearly a year later, the agency combines each year’s data with additional information from Medicare. In the past two years, that has resulted in tiny adjustments to the overall life expectancy number.
By the revised measure, life expectancy in 2015 and 2016 was flat, at 78.7, a decline from 78.9 in 2014. Any revision for 2017’s estimate of 78.6 years will come next year.
In a third report, the government detailed the ongoing growth of deaths from suicide, which has climbed steadily since 1999 and grown worse since 2006.
Most notable is the widening gap between urban and rural Americans. Suicide rates in the most rural counties are now nearly double those in the most urban counties.
Overall, suicides increased by a third between 1999 and 2017, the report showed. In urban America, the rate is 11.1 per 100,000 people; in the most rural parts of the country, it is 20 per 100,000.
A variety of factors determine suicide rates, but one that may help explain its greater prevalence in rural areas is access to guns, said Keith Humphreys, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University.
“Higher suicide rates in rural areas are due to nearly 60 percent of rural homes having a gun versus less than half of homes in urban areas,” Humphreys wrote in an email. “Having easily available lethal means is a big risk factor for suicide.”
Sharfstein said the most lamentable aspect of the crises is that policymakers know which approaches make a difference, such as medically assisted treatment for drug abusers and increased availability of mental health services in states where they are lacking.
“So the frustration that many of us feel is that there are things that could save many lives,” he said, “and we are failing to make those services available.”
Years of Gains Halted
A drop in national life expectancy hasn’t happened in this country since the AIDS epidemic exploded in the early 1990s, Benjamin says.
The signs are alarming:
The national opioid crisis is a major part of the current downturn. Overdose deaths, especially those of younger adults and men, have doubled since 2010, ballooning to more than 40,000 in 2016.
The national suicide rate has doubled during the last 10 years.
Rising mortality from drugs, suicides, and alcoholism -- particularly for white, middle-aged Americans without a college degree -- make up what researchers Anne Case and Angus Deaton call “deaths of despair.” Case and Deaton found that those deaths have increased since the late 1990s, in both rural and urban areas.
Several counties with the largest declines are clustered in eastern Kentucky -- the nucleus of the national opioid epidemic, which has decimated many of those counties. But the opioid epidemic is only one part of a complex group of reasons across the country. Ali Mokdad, PhD, a professor of health metrics science at the University of Washington, helped design and supervise the IHME county-level study and found four general causes for the life expectancy decline:
Socioeconomic factors like income and education
Access to health care, affected by under- or uninsured people
The quality of health care, including how long it takes to get treatment
And, most importantly, preventable things that can lead to health problems, like smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure
“As a country, we are improving, but we are not improving at the same rate of other rich countries, and we're falling behind,” Mokdad says. “In our country, there are many counties and communities that are getting left behind.”
U.S. life expectancy declines again, a dismal trend not seen since World War I
Drug overdoses set another annual record in 2017, cresting at 70,237 — up from 63,632 the year before, the government said in a companion report. The opioid epidemic continued to take a relentless toll, with 47,600 deaths in 2017 from drugs sold on the street such as fentanyl and heroin, as well as prescription narcotics. That was also a record number, driven largely by an increase in fentanyl deaths.
Since 1999, the number of drug overdose deaths has more than quadrupled. Deaths attributed to opioids were nearly six times greater in 2017 than they were in 1999.
Deaths from legal painkillers did not increase in 2017. There were 14,495 overdose deaths attributed to narcotics such as oxycodone and hydrocodone and 3,194 from methadone, which is used as a painkiller. Those totals were virtually identical to the numbers in 2016. The number of heroin deaths, 15,482, also did not rise from the previous year.
Robert Anderson, chief of the mortality statistics branch at the Center for Health Statistics, said the leveling off of prescription drug deaths may reflect a small impact from efforts in recent years to curb the diversion of legal painkillers to users and dealers on the streets. Those measures include prescription drug monitoring programs that help prevent substance abusers from obtaining multiple prescriptions by “doctor shopping.”
Others noted programs that may also have helped: The overdose antidote naloxone has been made more widely available in many places; Rhode Island has made efforts to educate substance abusers as they leave jail, a time when they are particularly vulnerable to overdose; and Vermont and other states have bolstered treatment programs. States that have expanded their Medicaid programs are also able to offer more treatment for users.

Since 1999, the number of drug overdose deaths has more than quadrupled. Deaths attributed to opioids were nearly six times greater in 2017 than they were in 1999.
Deaths from legal painkillers did not increase in 2017. There were 14,495 overdose deaths attributed to narcotics such as oxycodone and hydrocodone and 3,194 from methadone, which is used as a painkiller. Those totals were virtually identical to the numbers in 2016. The number of heroin deaths, 15,482, also did not rise from the previous year.
Robert Anderson, chief of the mortality statistics branch at the Center for Health Statistics, said the leveling off of prescription drug deaths may reflect a small impact from efforts in recent years to curb the diversion of legal painkillers to users and dealers on the streets. Those measures include prescription drug monitoring programs that help prevent substance abusers from obtaining multiple prescriptions by “doctor shopping.”
Others noted programs that may also have helped: The overdose antidote naloxone has been made more widely available in many places; Rhode Island has made efforts to educate substance abusers as they leave jail, a time when they are particularly vulnerable to overdose; and Vermont and other states have bolstered treatment programs. States that have expanded their Medicaid programs are also able to offer more treatment for users.

Other factors in the life expectancy decline include a spike in deaths from flulast winter and increases in deaths from chronic lower respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, strokes and suicide. Deaths from heart disease, the No. 1 killer of Americans, which had been declining until 2011, continued to level off.
Deaths from cancer continued their long, steady, downward trend.
The CDC issues its health statistics report each December. The 2017 report is the third in a row to show a decline in life expectancy.
Nearly a year later, the agency combines each year’s data with additional information from Medicare. In the past two years, that has resulted in tiny adjustments to the overall life expectancy number.
By the revised measure, life expectancy in 2015 and 2016 was flat, at 78.7, a decline from 78.9 in 2014. Any revision for 2017’s estimate of 78.6 years will come next year.
In a third report, the government detailed the ongoing growth of deaths from suicide, which has climbed steadily since 1999 and grown worse since 2006.
Most notable is the widening gap between urban and rural Americans. Suicide rates in the most rural counties are now nearly double those in the most urban counties.
Overall, suicides increased by a third between 1999 and 2017, the report showed. In urban America, the rate is 11.1 per 100,000 people; in the most rural parts of the country, it is 20 per 100,000.
A variety of factors determine suicide rates, but one that may help explain its greater prevalence in rural areas is access to guns, said Keith Humphreys, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University.
“Higher suicide rates in rural areas are due to nearly 60 percent of rural homes having a gun versus less than half of homes in urban areas,” Humphreys wrote in an email. “Having easily available lethal means is a big risk factor for suicide.”
Sharfstein said the most lamentable aspect of the crises is that policymakers know which approaches make a difference, such as medically assisted treatment for drug abusers and increased availability of mental health services in states where they are lacking.
“So the frustration that many of us feel is that there are things that could save many lives,” he said, “and we are failing to make those services available.”
Calls For Ethics Investigation Into Ocasio-Cortez After She Threatens Donald Trump Jr. | The Daily Caller
In response to a Washington Post write up of the meme, Ocasio-Cortez threatened to use the “subpoena power” of Congress against Trump Jr.
“I have noticed that Junior here has a habit of posting nonsense about me whenever the Mueller investigation heats up,” Ocasio-Cortez said, “Please, keep it coming Jr [sic] — it’s definitely a ‘very, very large brain’ idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month.”
“I have noticed that Junior here has a habit of posting nonsense about me whenever the Mueller investigation heats up,” Ocasio-Cortez said, “Please, keep it coming Jr [sic] — it’s definitely a ‘very, very large brain’ idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month.”
Bill and Hillary Clinton resort to using Groupon to generate ticket sales | Daily Mail Online
Desperate measures! Bill and Hillary Clinton resort to using Groupon to sell half-price tickets after their 13-stop paid speaking tour fails to draw the crowds
- Bill and Hillary Clinton began a 13-stop paid speaking tour last week in Canada
- The once magnetic Clintons appear to have lost their sparkle with empty seats
- The former president and presidential candidate are now selling tickets to 'An Evening with the Clintons' for $35 on Groupon - half their normal $70
- There were empty seats both in upper level seats and on the ground floor, where tickets were pricier
- One ticket was going for $6.55 in the final minutes before the Toronto event
- The enthusiasm the couple drew on the 2016 campaign tour has died down and they now find themselves preaching to half-filled stadiums
Influencing people in politics is politics. The key word is "lobbying."
Maria Butina Agrees to Cooperate With U.S.
Maria Butina, a Russian national who cultivated relationships with powerful American conservative activists, agreed Monday to plead guilty to conspiring to violate laws prohibiting covert foreign agents. As part of her agreement, which was reviewed by The Daily Beast, she has promised to cooperate with American law enforcement.
As a result of the deal, Butina will become the first Russian national since the 2016 election to plead guilty to a crime connected to efforts to influence American politics. After running a gun rights organization in Russia, she moved to the United States, where she spent years building relationships with conservatives in hopes of influencing a future Republican presidential administration. During the campaign season, she questioned then-candidate Donald Trump about sanctions; built relationships in the upper echelons of the American gun rights community; arranged for NRA leaders to travel to Moscow; and bragged that she was a channel between Team Trump and the Kremlin, as The Daily Beast first revealed.
She also struck up a romance with Paul Erickson, a longtime Republican gadfly close to NRA leaders. He sang Disney songs with her on camera, called her his “Siberian princess” in emails reviewed by The Daily Beast, and—since her July arrest—has visited her regularly in jail.
In March 2015, according to the plea deal, Butina worked with an unnamed U.S. person—known to be Erickson—to draft a proposal for a diplomatic endeavor. Given the fraught relationships between the governments of Russia and the United States, she “cast herself as a possible unofficial transmitter of communications” between the two countries.
Maria Butina Agrees to Cooperate With U.S.
Maria Butina, a Russian national who cultivated relationships with powerful American conservative activists, agreed Monday to plead guilty to conspiring to violate laws prohibiting covert foreign agents. As part of her agreement, which was reviewed by The Daily Beast, she has promised to cooperate with American law enforcement.
As a result of the deal, Butina will become the first Russian national since the 2016 election to plead guilty to a crime connected to efforts to influence American politics. After running a gun rights organization in Russia, she moved to the United States, where she spent years building relationships with conservatives in hopes of influencing a future Republican presidential administration. During the campaign season, she questioned then-candidate Donald Trump about sanctions; built relationships in the upper echelons of the American gun rights community; arranged for NRA leaders to travel to Moscow; and bragged that she was a channel between Team Trump and the Kremlin, as The Daily Beast first revealed.
She also struck up a romance with Paul Erickson, a longtime Republican gadfly close to NRA leaders. He sang Disney songs with her on camera, called her his “Siberian princess” in emails reviewed by The Daily Beast, and—since her July arrest—has visited her regularly in jail.
In March 2015, according to the plea deal, Butina worked with an unnamed U.S. person—known to be Erickson—to draft a proposal for a diplomatic endeavor. Given the fraught relationships between the governments of Russia and the United States, she “cast herself as a possible unofficial transmitter of communications” between the two countries.
Sunday, December 9, 2018
With Congress' approval rating hovering at around 21% the last thing these politicians need are new members coming in already unhinged.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threatens to run for president, severely misquotes the Constitution - TheBlaze
Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) threatened to run for president last week, severely misquoting the United States Constitution in the process.
What happened?
While participating in a photoshoot for Politico at Harvard last Thursday, Ocasio-Cortez engaged in conversation with her photographer, Politico's Playbook reported. According to the recap, Ocasio-Cortez threatened to run for president, but misquoted the Constitution's specific qualifications for the high office.
"You can't even run for president for another six years," the photographer told Ocasio-Cortez, who is just 29 years old. The Constitution requires the U.S. president be at least 35 years old.
"No, not for a long time. Thank God," she replied. "Although we've been joking that because the Equal Rights Amendment hasn't been passed yet, the Constitution technically says he cannot run unless he's 35. … So what we'll do is we'll force the Republican Party to pass the Equal Rights Amendment by threatening to run for president."
"That is awesome. All the people who say a literal interpretation of the Constitution is the only thing you should be paying attention to," the photographer responded.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threatens to run for president, severely misquotes the Constitution - TheBlaze
Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) threatened to run for president last week, severely misquoting the United States Constitution in the process.
What happened?
While participating in a photoshoot for Politico at Harvard last Thursday, Ocasio-Cortez engaged in conversation with her photographer, Politico's Playbook reported. According to the recap, Ocasio-Cortez threatened to run for president, but misquoted the Constitution's specific qualifications for the high office.
"You can't even run for president for another six years," the photographer told Ocasio-Cortez, who is just 29 years old. The Constitution requires the U.S. president be at least 35 years old.
"No, not for a long time. Thank God," she replied. "Although we've been joking that because the Equal Rights Amendment hasn't been passed yet, the Constitution technically says he cannot run unless he's 35. … So what we'll do is we'll force the Republican Party to pass the Equal Rights Amendment by threatening to run for president."
"That is awesome. All the people who say a literal interpretation of the Constitution is the only thing you should be paying attention to," the photographer responded.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
According to a statement issued by the office of Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., Comey said “I don’t remember” 71 times, “I don’t know” 166 times, and “I don’t recall” eight times during his interview.
Comey transcript released: Ex-FBI boss claims not to know, remember key details in Russia case | Fox News
The appearance of fired and disgraced FBI Director James Comey before two congressional committees Friday is a reminder of his brief but profoundly disappointing tenure leading the FBI – the outstanding law enforcement agency where I served for 24 years.
Unfortunately, members of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee were unable to get satisfactory answers from Comey regarding his illegal actions and violations of longstanding FBI and Justice Department regulations and procedures.
The chairmen of the two committees released a 235-page transcript Saturday of their interview with Comey.
According to a statement issued by the office of Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., Comey said “I don’t remember” 71 times, “I don’t know” 166 times, and “I don’t recall” eight times during his interview.
Comey flat-out refused to answer some questions dealing with the investigation now led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
“To the extent, I recall facts developed during our investigation of Russian interference and the potential connection of Americans, I think that's a question that the FBI doesn't want me answering,” Comey said in response to a question.
Comey’s record of lawbreaking and violations dealt with prosecution judgments, media leaks, the theft of government records and the conduct of objective investigations.
It’s a tragedy is that Comey and his former inner circle – the now infamous troika of fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, fired FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page – have attempted to cloak themselves in the FBI’s rich tradition of fidelity, bravery, and integrity.
In reality, these four former FBI officials have done more to hinder the daily work of the 35,000 selfless and hardworking men and women of the FBI than anyone in the storied agency’s history.
As a proud veteran of the FBI, it pains me to hear from friends, associates and colleagues who now question the FBI’s impartiality and motives in conducting sensitive investigations.
Unfortunately, no one can blame people for being skeptical of the FBI in light of the excruciating, Trump-hating texts during the 2016 presidential election campaign between Strzok and Page (who were engaged in an extramarital affair at the time), and following Comey’s well-publicized anti-Trump comments.
The former FBI director has written a book, given numerous media interviews, and used social media to bash President Trump, and urged Americans to “vote Democrat” before the midterm elections in November.
On top of this, there have been stark revelations in the Justice Department inspector general’s reports concerning former Deputy Director McCabe’s lies and leaks under the direct tutelage of Comey, who tried to make his own lies and leaks seem virtuous.
When FBI agents hit the street to conduct an investigation – and especially when trying to persuade people to provide needed information – their greatest asset is the respect and credibility of the FBI as an institution and the reputation of FBI agents for fairness and impartiality.
Juries that base their verdicts on FBI evidence and testimony trust that the scales were not tipped by the personal biases or political considerations of FBI agents and officials.
Unfortunately, the actions of Comey and his inner circle caused too many Americans to question the core values of the FBI as an institution.
It is out of total respect for the finest law enforcement and intelligence organization in the world and outstanding professionals that many former FBI executives – including me – have broken tradition and publicly criticized Comey and his troika for their misconduct, which can’t be disputed.
First, as the Justice Department inspector general found, Comey was insubordinate and violated department rules in playing the role of investigator, prosecutor, and judge in publicly exonerating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her email scandal.
Clinton – who used a private email account and server rather than the State Department email system she was required to use – was the subject of one of the most sensitive FBI investigations in history when she was running for president.
It is fundamental to our justice system that investigators do not also play the role of prosecutor. Yet instead of reporting the findings of the FBI investigation of Clinton to then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch so Lynch could decide what action to take, Comey staged a news conference to announce that he had concluded Clinton should not be prosecuted.
If I had pulled the same stunt when I was head of FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division under then-Deputy Attorney General Comey, I would have – and should have – been suspended and fired. So much for the value of fidelity.
Second, Comey illegally removed his notes and memos describing details of his meetings with President Trump that were conducted as part of his official duties as FBI director. These records belonged to the FBI – not Comey.
Comey then indirectly leaked his memos and notes to the media by laundering them through a university professor. If the FBI director acts as if he is not subject to the well-established rules of the Justice Department and is above the law, it is easy to understand why his deputy director felt justified in doing the same.
In fact, leaking stolen FBI documents is illegal – regardless of how virtuous you view your actions. Scratch the integrity core value.
Third, the extensive personal and political bias that prevailed within Comey’s inner circle is beyond unacceptable. Strozk and Page’s texts denouncing then-presidential candidate Trump speak for themselves.
It is amazing that neither Comey nor McCabe saw any problems with McCabe personally initiating and supervising the investigation of whether the Trump campaign and Russia worked together to get Trump elected president.
McCabe should have recused himself from any involvement in the “Russia collusion” investigation because his wife was an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for the state Senate in Virginia when she accepted over $1 million in political campaign donations. The donations were bundled together by Clinton loyalist and then-Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe.
McCabe was also known to freely and openly express his disdain for Trump in meetings with other FBI executives.
Fourth, under Comey’s leadership, his inner circle used an unreliable opposition research “dossier” financed in part by Hillary Clinton’s campaign when she was running for president against Trump in 2016. The dossier was used to support a series of electronic surveillance warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to intercept communications of Trump campaign operatives.
Had the FISA judge been informed of the true origins of the information it is highly unlikely that the judge would have issued the requisite orders. The Justice Department inspector general is investigating this alleged abuse of FISA and his findings will be far more credible that any partisan congressional committee.
Fourth, Comey’s courage failed him when it was most needed. When Attorney General Lynch instructed him to refer to the Clinton investigation as a “matter” and severely restricted the scope of the Clinton email and Clinton Foundation investigations, Comey went along.
When President Trump allegedly demanded Comey’s loyalty and asked for leniency for former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Comey scurried back to the office and prepared memos. Clearly, Comey placed his job security over pushing back forcefully on the use of the FBI to achieve political ends. Scratch the bravery element.
Finally, anyone who questions the appointment of Special Counsel Mueller to conduct an independent investigation of the Russia case can thank Comey and McCabe.
In the words of ex-FBI Assistant Director Kevin Brock, my former colleague: “Comey personally fast-tracked McCabe’s career into the deputy director position. McCabe was not happy that the president fired his boss and that (Deputy Attorney General Rod) Rosenstein provided the ammo.”
Rosenstein was faced with a tough decision. He could leave the Russia investigation in the hands of the angry and hopelessly biased team of Acting FBI Director McCabe, Deputy Assistant Director Strzok and attorney Page. Or, he could appoint a special counsel with integrity and a reputation for impartiality. He wisely chose the latter, appointing Mueller.
From the cradle of the FBI Academy, FBI agents are taught to always maintain the confidentiality of investigations, sources and methods. Keeping a low profile goes with the job, so it’s unusual to see former FBI agents criticize FBI leadership.
Those of us who are speaking out now believe deeply that the agency where we served honorably should never become a tool to promote political agendas.
This separation of law enforcement from politics is what separates America from Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Nor should operatives of the nation’s primary law enforcement and intelligence agency allow themselves to succumb to a temptation to impose their notions of morality on the electorate. That is the slipperiest of slopes.
The American public deserves to know the full scope and extent of the actions and roles of the Comey inner circle in order to prevent future abuses. Let’s hope the ongoing Justice Department inspector general’s investigation will ultimately hold the right people accountable.
It is obvious that toothless and bloviating congressional committees will never get to the truth.
A thousand congressional hearings will never get Comey to admit what we all suspect: his personal hubris and feelings of moral superiority allowed him to believe the normal rules established by the American people through duly enacted laws, regulations and procedures did not apply to him.
We need to draw a clear distinction between the FBI as an institution of 35,000 dedicated professionals and Comey – a brief aberration in the bureau’s distinguished 110-year history.
Comey’s name should be forever removed from the roster of FBI employees who have embraced the core values of the FBI and who have wielded the enormous power of the justice system with impartiality and integrity.
Comey transcript released: Ex-FBI boss claims not to know, remember key details in Russia case | Fox News
The appearance of fired and disgraced FBI Director James Comey before two congressional committees Friday is a reminder of his brief but profoundly disappointing tenure leading the FBI – the outstanding law enforcement agency where I served for 24 years.
Unfortunately, members of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee were unable to get satisfactory answers from Comey regarding his illegal actions and violations of longstanding FBI and Justice Department regulations and procedures.
The chairmen of the two committees released a 235-page transcript Saturday of their interview with Comey.
According to a statement issued by the office of Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., Comey said “I don’t remember” 71 times, “I don’t know” 166 times, and “I don’t recall” eight times during his interview.
Comey flat-out refused to answer some questions dealing with the investigation now led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
“To the extent, I recall facts developed during our investigation of Russian interference and the potential connection of Americans, I think that's a question that the FBI doesn't want me answering,” Comey said in response to a question.
Comey’s record of lawbreaking and violations dealt with prosecution judgments, media leaks, the theft of government records and the conduct of objective investigations.
It’s a tragedy is that Comey and his former inner circle – the now infamous troika of fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, fired FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page – have attempted to cloak themselves in the FBI’s rich tradition of fidelity, bravery, and integrity.
In reality, these four former FBI officials have done more to hinder the daily work of the 35,000 selfless and hardworking men and women of the FBI than anyone in the storied agency’s history.
As a proud veteran of the FBI, it pains me to hear from friends, associates and colleagues who now question the FBI’s impartiality and motives in conducting sensitive investigations.
Unfortunately, no one can blame people for being skeptical of the FBI in light of the excruciating, Trump-hating texts during the 2016 presidential election campaign between Strzok and Page (who were engaged in an extramarital affair at the time), and following Comey’s well-publicized anti-Trump comments.
The former FBI director has written a book, given numerous media interviews, and used social media to bash President Trump, and urged Americans to “vote Democrat” before the midterm elections in November.
On top of this, there have been stark revelations in the Justice Department inspector general’s reports concerning former Deputy Director McCabe’s lies and leaks under the direct tutelage of Comey, who tried to make his own lies and leaks seem virtuous.
When FBI agents hit the street to conduct an investigation – and especially when trying to persuade people to provide needed information – their greatest asset is the respect and credibility of the FBI as an institution and the reputation of FBI agents for fairness and impartiality.
Juries that base their verdicts on FBI evidence and testimony trust that the scales were not tipped by the personal biases or political considerations of FBI agents and officials.
Unfortunately, the actions of Comey and his inner circle caused too many Americans to question the core values of the FBI as an institution.
It is out of total respect for the finest law enforcement and intelligence organization in the world and outstanding professionals that many former FBI executives – including me – have broken tradition and publicly criticized Comey and his troika for their misconduct, which can’t be disputed.
First, as the Justice Department inspector general found, Comey was insubordinate and violated department rules in playing the role of investigator, prosecutor, and judge in publicly exonerating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her email scandal.
Clinton – who used a private email account and server rather than the State Department email system she was required to use – was the subject of one of the most sensitive FBI investigations in history when she was running for president.
It is fundamental to our justice system that investigators do not also play the role of prosecutor. Yet instead of reporting the findings of the FBI investigation of Clinton to then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch so Lynch could decide what action to take, Comey staged a news conference to announce that he had concluded Clinton should not be prosecuted.
If I had pulled the same stunt when I was head of FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division under then-Deputy Attorney General Comey, I would have – and should have – been suspended and fired. So much for the value of fidelity.
Second, Comey illegally removed his notes and memos describing details of his meetings with President Trump that were conducted as part of his official duties as FBI director. These records belonged to the FBI – not Comey.
Comey then indirectly leaked his memos and notes to the media by laundering them through a university professor. If the FBI director acts as if he is not subject to the well-established rules of the Justice Department and is above the law, it is easy to understand why his deputy director felt justified in doing the same.
In fact, leaking stolen FBI documents is illegal – regardless of how virtuous you view your actions. Scratch the integrity core value.
Third, the extensive personal and political bias that prevailed within Comey’s inner circle is beyond unacceptable. Strozk and Page’s texts denouncing then-presidential candidate Trump speak for themselves.
It is amazing that neither Comey nor McCabe saw any problems with McCabe personally initiating and supervising the investigation of whether the Trump campaign and Russia worked together to get Trump elected president.
McCabe should have recused himself from any involvement in the “Russia collusion” investigation because his wife was an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for the state Senate in Virginia when she accepted over $1 million in political campaign donations. The donations were bundled together by Clinton loyalist and then-Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe.
McCabe was also known to freely and openly express his disdain for Trump in meetings with other FBI executives.
Fourth, under Comey’s leadership, his inner circle used an unreliable opposition research “dossier” financed in part by Hillary Clinton’s campaign when she was running for president against Trump in 2016. The dossier was used to support a series of electronic surveillance warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to intercept communications of Trump campaign operatives.
Had the FISA judge been informed of the true origins of the information it is highly unlikely that the judge would have issued the requisite orders. The Justice Department inspector general is investigating this alleged abuse of FISA and his findings will be far more credible that any partisan congressional committee.
Fourth, Comey’s courage failed him when it was most needed. When Attorney General Lynch instructed him to refer to the Clinton investigation as a “matter” and severely restricted the scope of the Clinton email and Clinton Foundation investigations, Comey went along.
When President Trump allegedly demanded Comey’s loyalty and asked for leniency for former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Comey scurried back to the office and prepared memos. Clearly, Comey placed his job security over pushing back forcefully on the use of the FBI to achieve political ends. Scratch the bravery element.
Finally, anyone who questions the appointment of Special Counsel Mueller to conduct an independent investigation of the Russia case can thank Comey and McCabe.
In the words of ex-FBI Assistant Director Kevin Brock, my former colleague: “Comey personally fast-tracked McCabe’s career into the deputy director position. McCabe was not happy that the president fired his boss and that (Deputy Attorney General Rod) Rosenstein provided the ammo.”
Rosenstein was faced with a tough decision. He could leave the Russia investigation in the hands of the angry and hopelessly biased team of Acting FBI Director McCabe, Deputy Assistant Director Strzok and attorney Page. Or, he could appoint a special counsel with integrity and a reputation for impartiality. He wisely chose the latter, appointing Mueller.
From the cradle of the FBI Academy, FBI agents are taught to always maintain the confidentiality of investigations, sources and methods. Keeping a low profile goes with the job, so it’s unusual to see former FBI agents criticize FBI leadership.
Those of us who are speaking out now believe deeply that the agency where we served honorably should never become a tool to promote political agendas.
This separation of law enforcement from politics is what separates America from Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Nor should operatives of the nation’s primary law enforcement and intelligence agency allow themselves to succumb to a temptation to impose their notions of morality on the electorate. That is the slipperiest of slopes.
The American public deserves to know the full scope and extent of the actions and roles of the Comey inner circle in order to prevent future abuses. Let’s hope the ongoing Justice Department inspector general’s investigation will ultimately hold the right people accountable.
It is obvious that toothless and bloviating congressional committees will never get to the truth.
A thousand congressional hearings will never get Comey to admit what we all suspect: his personal hubris and feelings of moral superiority allowed him to believe the normal rules established by the American people through duly enacted laws, regulations and procedures did not apply to him.
We need to draw a clear distinction between the FBI as an institution of 35,000 dedicated professionals and Comey – a brief aberration in the bureau’s distinguished 110-year history.
Comey’s name should be forever removed from the roster of FBI employees who have embraced the core values of the FBI and who have wielded the enormous power of the justice system with impartiality and integrity.
Comey transcript: Bureau brass called Clinton interview ‘unusual,’ email use ‘appalling’ | Fox News
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a></noscript> |
Chances are these coastal elites have illegal aliens in their employ and are invested in protecting this slave labor force which obviously benefits them and the Establishment elites they serve. .
Return of Trump’s asylum policy blocked by 9th Circuit court | Fox News
Return of Trump’s asylum policy blocked by 9th Circuit court | Fox News
It looks like Hillary and her lackeys are going to soon be paying the Piper.
Judge orders Justice and State departments to reopen part of Hillary Clinton email inquiry - Chicago Tribune
In a narrow but sharply worded 10-page opinion, Lamberth wrote that despite the government's claimed presumption of transparency, "faced with one of the gravest modern offenses to government openness, [the Obama administration's] State and Justice departments fell far short" of the law's requirements in a lawsuit for documents.
Lamberth added that despite President Donald Trump's repeated campaign attacks against Clinton for not making her emails public, "the current Justice Department made things worse," by taking the position that agencies are not obliged to search for records not in the government's possession when a FOIA request is made.
Lamberth wrote he took no pleasure in "questioning the intentions of the nation's most august" Cabinet departments, but said it was necessary when their response "smacks of outrageous misconduct."
At best, Lamberth said the government's actions reflect "negligence born of incompetence," adding, "At worst, career employees in the State and Justice departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of Clinton, skirt FOIA, and hoodwink this court."
Lamberth said he had delayed ruling on the order until a similar 2016 case before another federal judge in the District had wound down.
Lamberth ordered the government's attorneys to meet with Judicial Watch and by Dec. 17 propose to answer additional questions into whether "Clinton used a private email to stymie FOIA, whether State's attempts to settle the case in 2014 and 2015 amounted to bad faith, and whether State's subsequent searches have been adequate."
Judge orders Justice and State departments to reopen part of Hillary Clinton email inquiry - Chicago Tribune
In a narrow but sharply worded 10-page opinion, Lamberth wrote that despite the government's claimed presumption of transparency, "faced with one of the gravest modern offenses to government openness, [the Obama administration's] State and Justice departments fell far short" of the law's requirements in a lawsuit for documents.
Lamberth added that despite President Donald Trump's repeated campaign attacks against Clinton for not making her emails public, "the current Justice Department made things worse," by taking the position that agencies are not obliged to search for records not in the government's possession when a FOIA request is made.
Lamberth wrote he took no pleasure in "questioning the intentions of the nation's most august" Cabinet departments, but said it was necessary when their response "smacks of outrageous misconduct."
At best, Lamberth said the government's actions reflect "negligence born of incompetence," adding, "At worst, career employees in the State and Justice departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of Clinton, skirt FOIA, and hoodwink this court."
Lamberth said he had delayed ruling on the order until a similar 2016 case before another federal judge in the District had wound down.
Lamberth ordered the government's attorneys to meet with Judicial Watch and by Dec. 17 propose to answer additional questions into whether "Clinton used a private email to stymie FOIA, whether State's attempts to settle the case in 2014 and 2015 amounted to bad faith, and whether State's subsequent searches have been adequate."
Friday, December 7, 2018
Were crimes committed here? Should people be going to jail here?
Questions that beg to be answered.
They discussed a range of options, including the idea of Rosenstein wearing a wire while speaking with Trump, which Rosenstein later denied. Ultimately, then-acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe took the extraordinary step of opening an obstruction of justice investigation even before special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed, the sources said. The obstruction probe was an idea the FBI had previously considered, but it didn't start until after Comey was fired. The justification went beyond Trump's firing of Comey, according to the sources, and also included the President's conversation with Comey in the Oval Office asking him to drop the investigation into his former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
The new details about the genesis of the obstruction case into Trump that became a key element of the Mueller probe shed light on the chaotic week following Comey's firing and the scramble to decide how best to respond. They also help to explain the origins of the Mueller investigation that has stretched across 19 months, consumed Trump's presidency and is building toward a dramatic day of courtroom filings on Friday.
Thursday, December 6, 2018
People seem to forget that as late as 1987 homosexuality was considered a psychological disorder by the professional mental health community; When Homosexuality Stopped Being a Mental Disorder
Transforming something considered abnormal to normal is not an easy task so why would anyone be surprised if a person is homophobic?
Kevin Hart steps down as 2019 Oscars host after backlash over past homophobic comments - Los Angeles Times
Transforming something considered abnormal to normal is not an easy task so why would anyone be surprised if a person is homophobic?
Kevin Hart steps down as 2019 Oscars host after backlash over past homophobic comments - Los Angeles Times
This person has no clue that what she is inferring is that voters are so dumb they can't understand Democrats. It's another take on how POTUS was elected by the "less" educated among us.
Lawmaker Says Dems 'Know So Much' and Says Many Are Fact-Based
Senator Mazie Hirono recently claimed that Democrats are so smart that they aren’t able to connect with voters.
During a conference in Washington D.C., Hirono discussed ways to increase voter turnout but said it will be difficult if Democrats can’t figure out how to make themselves look less intelligent.
“I wish I had the answer to that because one of the things that we, Democrats, have a really hard time is connecting to people’s hearts instead of [their heads],” Hirono said. “We’re really good at shoving out all the information that touch people here [pointing to her head] but not here [pointing to her heart].”
The lawmaker also claimed that she is not the only one who believes this. Hirono also said she has heard similar opinions during a Democratic retreat.
Lawmaker Says Dems 'Know So Much' and Says Many Are Fact-Based
Senator Mazie Hirono recently claimed that Democrats are so smart that they aren’t able to connect with voters.
During a conference in Washington D.C., Hirono discussed ways to increase voter turnout but said it will be difficult if Democrats can’t figure out how to make themselves look less intelligent.
“I wish I had the answer to that because one of the things that we, Democrats, have a really hard time is connecting to people’s hearts instead of [their heads],” Hirono said. “We’re really good at shoving out all the information that touch people here [pointing to her head] but not here [pointing to her heart].”
The lawmaker also claimed that she is not the only one who believes this. Hirono also said she has heard similar opinions during a Democratic retreat.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
You got to hand it to the entertainment crowd. They do know how to stir sh*t and then wallow in it.
Report: CBS’s Moonves Had Women on the Payroll for Sex
As bad as the revelations of Moonves’ conduct were, new ones in the lawyers’ report are even worse.
Multiple witnesses, the Times reported, told the lawyers an employee was “on call” to fellate Moonves. The Times cites the draft report: “A number of employees were aware of this and believed that the woman was protected from discipline or termination as a result of it.”
Moonves admits the oral sex. But his lawyer told the Times that he “never put or kept someone on the payroll for the purpose of sex. He has cooperated extensively and fully with investigators.”
In addition to all the consensual sex Moonves had with employees, the investigators wrote, he “received oral sex from at least 4 CBS employees under circumstances that sound transactional and improper to the extent that there was no hint of any relationship, romance, or reciprocity.”
One question the report doesn’t appear to answer is how the man had time to work while he was having all this sex.
Report: CBS’s Moonves Had Women on the Payroll for Sex
As bad as the revelations of Moonves’ conduct were, new ones in the lawyers’ report are even worse.
Multiple witnesses, the Times reported, told the lawyers an employee was “on call” to fellate Moonves. The Times cites the draft report: “A number of employees were aware of this and believed that the woman was protected from discipline or termination as a result of it.”
Moonves admits the oral sex. But his lawyer told the Times that he “never put or kept someone on the payroll for the purpose of sex. He has cooperated extensively and fully with investigators.”
In addition to all the consensual sex Moonves had with employees, the investigators wrote, he “received oral sex from at least 4 CBS employees under circumstances that sound transactional and improper to the extent that there was no hint of any relationship, romance, or reciprocity.”
One question the report doesn’t appear to answer is how the man had time to work while he was having all this sex.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
- Whoopi Goldberg was forced to cut to commercial break during another on-air spat between co-hosts Meghan McCain, 34, and Joy Behar, 76 on Monday
- Show insiders tell that the exchange continued off air with Behar fuming, 'If this s**t doesn't stop I'm quitting this damn show. I can't take this much more'
- Monday's Hot Topics segment was meant to honor late President George H. W. Bush, but quickly went south after Behar brought Trump into the conversation
- 'Can we focus on the president, please. I don't want to talk about Trump, we're honoring a great president,' McCain interjected
- Behar shot back: 'Excuse me a second please. I want to talk about -' before McCain cut her off again to say 'I'm not interested'
Joy Behar, Meghan McCain Reportedly Get Into Huge View Fight
The Senator has a point.
Grassley noted that a former Senate staffer named Daniel Jones told the FBI in March 2017 that he hired Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, after the election to continue an investigation into Trump’s possible ties to Russia.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley attends a committee hearing on Capitol Hill, Nov. 15, 2018 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
Jones, a former staffer to California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary panel, told the FBI that he “had secured the services Steele, his associate [redacted], and Fusion GPS to continue exposing Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.”
Jones also said that the group “was being funded by 7 to 10 wealthy donors located primarily in New York and California, who provided approximately $50 million.”
The goal of the group was to pass information to lawmakers, the FBI and the press, Jones told the FBI.
“Contrary to Mr. Simpson’s denial in the staff interview, according to the FBI and others, Fusion actually did continue Trump dossier work for a new client after the election,” said Grassley.
Grassley has noted Simpson’s inconsistent testimony in the past, most recently in a lettersent to another Democrat colleague on May 29.
In his letter to Blumenthal, Grassley rejected the Democrat’s request to interview Donald Trump Jr.
Blumenthal asserted that the president’s son may have lied in his Sept. 7, 2017 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the extent of his work to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Blumenthal suggested that Trump Jr.’s testimony was inconsistent with what Cohen disclosed in his plea agreement on Nov. 29 with the special counsel’s office.
But as Grassley noted, Blumenthal relied on a since-debunked report from NPR on Nov. 30.
“That was fake news,” wrote Grassley to Blumenthal of the NPR report, which was corrected after the news outlet acknowledged misreading a transcript of Trump Jr.’s testimony.
In dismissing Blumenthal’s request, Grassley noted that the committee has “actual evidence of misleading testimony,” noting Simpson’s testimony.
Republican lawmakers have accused Simpson of giving misleading testimony in another congressional interview.
Simpson told the House Intelligence Committee on Nov. 14, 2017 that he had no contact with Justice Department or the FBI until after the election. Simpson acknowledged at the time that he met after the election with Bruce Ohr, a top Justice Department official who served as a back channel between the FBI and Steele. (RELATED: Glenn Simpson’s Testimony Conflicted With Bruce Ohr’s)
Grassley Accuses Fusion GPS Founder Of Giving ‘Extremely Misleading’ Testimony | The Daily Caller
Grassley noted that a former Senate staffer named Daniel Jones told the FBI in March 2017 that he hired Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, after the election to continue an investigation into Trump’s possible ties to Russia.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley attends a committee hearing on Capitol Hill, Nov. 15, 2018 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
Jones, a former staffer to California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary panel, told the FBI that he “had secured the services Steele, his associate [redacted], and Fusion GPS to continue exposing Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.”
Jones also said that the group “was being funded by 7 to 10 wealthy donors located primarily in New York and California, who provided approximately $50 million.”
The goal of the group was to pass information to lawmakers, the FBI and the press, Jones told the FBI.
“Contrary to Mr. Simpson’s denial in the staff interview, according to the FBI and others, Fusion actually did continue Trump dossier work for a new client after the election,” said Grassley.
Grassley has noted Simpson’s inconsistent testimony in the past, most recently in a lettersent to another Democrat colleague on May 29.
In his letter to Blumenthal, Grassley rejected the Democrat’s request to interview Donald Trump Jr.
Blumenthal asserted that the president’s son may have lied in his Sept. 7, 2017 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the extent of his work to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Blumenthal suggested that Trump Jr.’s testimony was inconsistent with what Cohen disclosed in his plea agreement on Nov. 29 with the special counsel’s office.
But as Grassley noted, Blumenthal relied on a since-debunked report from NPR on Nov. 30.
“That was fake news,” wrote Grassley to Blumenthal of the NPR report, which was corrected after the news outlet acknowledged misreading a transcript of Trump Jr.’s testimony.
In dismissing Blumenthal’s request, Grassley noted that the committee has “actual evidence of misleading testimony,” noting Simpson’s testimony.
Republican lawmakers have accused Simpson of giving misleading testimony in another congressional interview.
Simpson told the House Intelligence Committee on Nov. 14, 2017 that he had no contact with Justice Department or the FBI until after the election. Simpson acknowledged at the time that he met after the election with Bruce Ohr, a top Justice Department official who served as a back channel between the FBI and Steele. (RELATED: Glenn Simpson’s Testimony Conflicted With Bruce Ohr’s)
Grassley Accuses Fusion GPS Founder Of Giving ‘Extremely Misleading’ Testimony | The Daily Caller
The only person that really could say who killed them is dead and politicians dancing all over his corpse is not going to bring him back to life.
It's no wonder that the Congress has only a 20% approval rating from Americans.
Senators: Saudi Crown Prince Was Behind Killing Of Jamal Khashoggi : NPR
It's no wonder that the Congress has only a 20% approval rating from Americans.
Senators: Saudi Crown Prince Was Behind Killing Of Jamal Khashoggi : NPR
It appears that if someone speaks out against the Establishment they are obstructing justice; as defined by the Establishment that is.
POTUS demanding justice for people that falsely accused him of wrong doing but did commit crimes themselves is looked upon as obstruction of justice?
Obstruction of justice and witness tampering: Trump’s latest tweets cross clear lines, experts say - The Washington Post
POTUS demanding justice for people that falsely accused him of wrong doing but did commit crimes themselves is looked upon as obstruction of justice?
Obstruction of justice and witness tampering: Trump’s latest tweets cross clear lines, experts say - The Washington Post
Monday, December 3, 2018
It looks like Maxine has some competition when it comes to crazy.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Trump administration has been ‘criminal from the start’ | Fox News
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Trump administration has been ‘criminal from the start’ | Fox News
Sunday, December 2, 2018
He supposedly lied for POTUS so why would he not now lie for Mueller?
He's an avowed and convicted liar which implies whatever he say is only to serve his self interest(s). In this instance, not going to jail.
Cohen asks federal judge for leniency after guilty plea | TheHill
He's an avowed and convicted liar which implies whatever he say is only to serve his self interest(s). In this instance, not going to jail.
Cohen asks federal judge for leniency after guilty plea | TheHill
Friday, November 30, 2018
Is the most advanced society in history killing itself off? It sure looks like it if the numbers are correct.
The data continued the longest sustained decline in expected life span at birth in a century, an appalling performance not seen in the United States since 1915 through 1918. That four-year period included World War I and a flu pandemic that killed 675,000 people in the United States and perhaps 50 million worldwide.
Public health and demographic experts reacted with alarm to the release of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s annual statistics, which are considered a reliable barometer of a society’s health. In most developed nations, life expectancy has marched steadily upward for decades.
“I think this is a very dismal picture of health in the United States,” said Joshua M. Sharfstein, vice dean for public health practice and community engagement at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Life expectancy is improving in many places in the world. It shouldn’t be declining in the United States.”
Like it or not the disaster in Paradise was partly a result of "poor" management.
Rather than own up to it and promise to correct the problems the response from state officials was a cry of "foul."
That in itself is poor management.
Camp fire evacuation warnings failed to reach more than a third of residents meant to receive calls - Los Angeles Times
Paradise narrowed its main road by two lanes despite warnings of gridlock during a major wildfire
Rather than own up to it and promise to correct the problems the response from state officials was a cry of "foul."
That in itself is poor management.
Camp fire evacuation warnings failed to reach more than a third of residents meant to receive calls - Los Angeles Times
Paradise narrowed its main road by two lanes despite warnings of gridlock during a major wildfire
When it comes to lying; even under oath, Cohen has proven more than once that he has no problem with that. In fact he has be convicted of doing just that and is waiting for the sentence to be handed down. The Mueller folks have no problem with coercing/extorting people they have targeted in their desperate efforts to get someone; anyone, to turn on POTUS and it looks like they are at it again.
Cohen's Account Of Russia Talks Raises Questions About Trump Jr. 2017 Testimony : NPR
Cohen's Account Of Russia Talks Raises Questions About Trump Jr. 2017 Testimony : NPR
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Dershowitz: Mueller Making Decisions on 'False Statements'
Mueller is desperate to find a crime; any crime, that he can implicate POTUS in.
Now that Manafort has given him the middle finger he is left with Cohen who is is obviously legally extorting to force him to say something; anything, that would implicate POTUS in wrong doing(s).
The problem is, he is selecting people that have lost all credibility and have a history of lying for self preservation.
Rudy Giuliani Tries to Distance Trump From Trump Tower Moscow: ‘This Was Cohen’s Deal’
Sater told The Daily Beast that efforts to develop a Trump Tower Moscow project died because Trump secured the Republican presidential nomination in July 2016.
“Right after the Republican convention, it became obvious—obvious to me,” he said. “It was obvious that a candidate couldn’t be doing a business deal simultaneously to run for president.”
Sater, who previously had an office in Trump Tower and helped arrange financing for Trump Tower SoHo, pleaded guilty 20 years ago to fraud linked to Russian criminals. He subsequently helped the FBI with major criminal investigations, and future Attorney General Loretta Lynch praised his cooperation before Congress in 2015.
Rudy Giuliani Tries to Distance Trump From Trump Tower Moscow: ‘This Was Cohen’s Deal’
Sater told The Daily Beast that efforts to develop a Trump Tower Moscow project died because Trump secured the Republican presidential nomination in July 2016.
“Right after the Republican convention, it became obvious—obvious to me,” he said. “It was obvious that a candidate couldn’t be doing a business deal simultaneously to run for president.”
Sater, who previously had an office in Trump Tower and helped arrange financing for Trump Tower SoHo, pleaded guilty 20 years ago to fraud linked to Russian criminals. He subsequently helped the FBI with major criminal investigations, and future Attorney General Loretta Lynch praised his cooperation before Congress in 2015.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
One of the reasons the Establishment has been unable to take down POTUS is that he knows how to beat them at their own game.
Donald Trump threatens to declassify 'devastating' docs about Dems
“If they go down the presidential harassment track, if they want go and harass the president and the administration, I think that would be the best thing that would happen to me. I’m a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they’d never been hit like that,” he said during a 36-minute Oval Office sitdown.
The commander-in-chief said he could declassify FISA warrant applications and other documents from Robert Mueller’s probe — and predicted the disclosure would expose the FBI, the Justice Department and the Clinton campaign as being in cahoots to set him up.
“I think that would help my campaign. If they want to play tough, I will do it. They will see how devastating those pages are.”
Donald Trump threatens to declassify 'devastating' docs about Dems
“If they go down the presidential harassment track, if they want go and harass the president and the administration, I think that would be the best thing that would happen to me. I’m a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they’d never been hit like that,” he said during a 36-minute Oval Office sitdown.
The commander-in-chief said he could declassify FISA warrant applications and other documents from Robert Mueller’s probe — and predicted the disclosure would expose the FBI, the Justice Department and the Clinton campaign as being in cahoots to set him up.
“I think that would help my campaign. If they want to play tough, I will do it. They will see how devastating those pages are.”
Should the parents of children being subjected to danger be charged with child endangerment/abuse? Would any responsible parent drag their children into the line of fire (tear gas and rubber bullets) in order to get themselves across the border; illegally at that.
Migrants in Tijuana Regret the Caravan: ‘I’m Done With the United States’
“I thought it would be easy,” said González, who traveled north with his wife and two children, ages 4 and 3. He said his family was planning to sign up with Mexican officials for voluntary repatriation.
“We’re here alone, hungry, unprotected. My daughter is sick with diarrhea,” he said from a street by Tijuana’s El Chaparral border crossing, where he hoped to make a little money washing cars. “I don’t want to lose my kids, lose my life.”
Scenes of migrants fleeing tear gas shot their way by U.S. Border Patrol brought condemnation and accusations of excess. The Sunday protest was peaceful, several participants told The Daily Beast. The protesters, including women and children, first encountered Mexican police, but detoured around them and headed toward the border. There, according to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, they breached the fence.
The migrants say they wanted nothing more than to ask for answers as to why they were unable to cross the border or make asylum claims.
Migrants in Tijuana Regret the Caravan: ‘I’m Done With the United States’
“I thought it would be easy,” said González, who traveled north with his wife and two children, ages 4 and 3. He said his family was planning to sign up with Mexican officials for voluntary repatriation.
“We’re here alone, hungry, unprotected. My daughter is sick with diarrhea,” he said from a street by Tijuana’s El Chaparral border crossing, where he hoped to make a little money washing cars. “I don’t want to lose my kids, lose my life.”
Scenes of migrants fleeing tear gas shot their way by U.S. Border Patrol brought condemnation and accusations of excess. The Sunday protest was peaceful, several participants told The Daily Beast. The protesters, including women and children, first encountered Mexican police, but detoured around them and headed toward the border. There, according to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, they breached the fence.
The migrants say they wanted nothing more than to ask for answers as to why they were unable to cross the border or make asylum claims.
It appears that the soon-to-be-disbarred porn lawyer is no longer in the good graces of his star client and she is turning his life into a living inferno. Not that it's not well deserved.
Stormy Daniels: Michael Avenatti Sued Trump For Defamation Against My Wishes
Michael Avenatti sued Donald Trump for defaming Stormy Daniels against her wishes, Daniels told The Daily Beast in a statement on Wednesday.
Avenatti also started a new fundraising site to raise money for her legal defense fund without telling her, Daniels said. She said she is not sure whether or not she will keep Avenatti on as her lawyer.
Here is her full statement, provided to The Daily Beast:
“For months I’ve asked Michael Avenatti to give me accounting information about the fund my supporters so generously donated to for my safety and legal defense. He has repeatedly ignored those requests. Days ago I demanded again, repeatedly, that he tell me how the money was being spent and how much was left. Instead of answering me, without my permission or even my knowledge Michael launched another crowdfunding campaign to raise money on my behalf. I learned about it on Twitter.
Stormy Daniels: Michael Avenatti Sued Trump For Defamation Against My Wishes
Michael Avenatti sued Donald Trump for defaming Stormy Daniels against her wishes, Daniels told The Daily Beast in a statement on Wednesday.
Avenatti also started a new fundraising site to raise money for her legal defense fund without telling her, Daniels said. She said she is not sure whether or not she will keep Avenatti on as her lawyer.
Here is her full statement, provided to The Daily Beast:
“For months I’ve asked Michael Avenatti to give me accounting information about the fund my supporters so generously donated to for my safety and legal defense. He has repeatedly ignored those requests. Days ago I demanded again, repeatedly, that he tell me how the money was being spent and how much was left. Instead of answering me, without my permission or even my knowledge Michael launched another crowdfunding campaign to raise money on my behalf. I learned about it on Twitter.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
The thing about being "wordy" (talking too much) is that, more often than not, you will end up sticking your foot in your mouth; in this instance both feet. Add to that that this person is young, over zealous inexperienced politician and you have the perfect storm.
Let's hope she learns something from what is a "teaching" moment.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez likens migrants applying for refugee status to Jews fleeing Holocaust
Let's hope she learns something from what is a "teaching" moment.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez likens migrants applying for refugee status to Jews fleeing Holocaust
Monday, November 26, 2018
Jordan Peterson pens campaign pledge and apology for identity politics he wishes Dems would deliver
Democrats, he wrote, “failed, as well, to oppose the profoundly anti-American claim that free speech is merely the means by which the powerful protect their interests,” and “abandoned … invaluable [commitments] to and [contracts] with the American working class, who toiled mightily and often under conditions of extreme deprivation to perform the backbreaking labor so necessary to the creation of our stellar country.”
“In doing so,” he wrote, “we betrayed and insulted our primary constituency, and we squandered the opportunity to elect the first woman to the position of the presidency of the U.S.A. Then, instead of taking responsibility for our well-deserved failure and loss, we insisted upon vilifying those who defeated us appropriately and honestly in the honorable democratic process.”
“In doing so,” he wrote, “we betrayed and insulted our primary constituency, and we squandered the opportunity to elect the first woman to the position of the presidency of the U.S.A. Then, instead of taking responsibility for our well-deserved failure and loss, we insisted upon vilifying those who defeated us appropriately and honestly in the honorable democratic process.”
Trying to coerce people to say what you want them to say in return for less jail time doesn't always work. This looks like one of those times.
It's obvious that Mueller has been frantically trying to get something on POTUS by throwing out a wide net and catching people doing bad things, but that are totally unrelated to the basic investigation he was charged to conduct.
Manafort, along with a few other unfortunate people (like Cohen) were hooked, tried, convicted, and then coerced to turn on POTUS.
Why this form of legal extortion is not a crime in a country supposedly ruled by "law and order"remains a mystery.
Manafort lied to the FBI after his guilty plea, special counsel says - Los Angeles Times
It's obvious that Mueller has been frantically trying to get something on POTUS by throwing out a wide net and catching people doing bad things, but that are totally unrelated to the basic investigation he was charged to conduct.
Manafort, along with a few other unfortunate people (like Cohen) were hooked, tried, convicted, and then coerced to turn on POTUS.
Why this form of legal extortion is not a crime in a country supposedly ruled by "law and order"remains a mystery.
Manafort lied to the FBI after his guilty plea, special counsel says - Los Angeles Times
What the media ignores is this;
The photos are indeed startling and the question to ask is why would a parent endanger their children to the point of dragging them into a confrontation with law enforcement that is obviously dangerous?
Any parent doing this is endangering their child and would be charged with child abuse in the US.
Photos of migrant children fleeing tear gas spark online outrage At Trump - The Washington Post
The photos are indeed startling and the question to ask is why would a parent endanger their children to the point of dragging them into a confrontation with law enforcement that is obviously dangerous?
Any parent doing this is endangering their child and would be charged with child abuse in the US.
Photos of migrant children fleeing tear gas spark online outrage At Trump - The Washington Post
And he's going to court to get them off his back.
Corsi: Mueller Offered Deal, But 'I Will Not Lie' |
The conservative One America News Network, which interviewed Corsi for an exclusive on Monday, noted on Twitter that Corsi has said his issue is a faulty memory, not "willfully and knowingly lying," and that Corsi is calling Mueller's tactics "Gestapo" like.
It also reported that Corsi is preparing to file a criminal complaint against Mueller's investigation with acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker.
Corsi: Mueller Offered Deal, But 'I Will Not Lie' |
The conservative One America News Network, which interviewed Corsi for an exclusive on Monday, noted on Twitter that Corsi has said his issue is a faulty memory, not "willfully and knowingly lying," and that Corsi is calling Mueller's tactics "Gestapo" like.
It also reported that Corsi is preparing to file a criminal complaint against Mueller's investigation with acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
An elected official of Congress accusing the US of using Chemical weapons against civilians? And they say the Russians were destabilizing this country.
It's no surprise the Establishment is in taters given the type of people in their ranks.
Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz deletes tweet suggesting 'chemical weapons' used at US-Mexico border | Fox News
It's no surprise the Establishment is in taters given the type of people in their ranks.
Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz deletes tweet suggesting 'chemical weapons' used at US-Mexico border | Fox News
The following sign carried by one of the migrants storming the US/Mexico border says it all.
The migrants carried hand-painted American and Honduran flags and chanted: “We are not criminals! We are international workers!”
The well to do elites want that cheap labor that only happens if this "slave labor" force is illegal.
San Ysidro border crossing closed, U.S. fires tear gas as migrants rush toward border - Los Angeles Times
The migrants carried hand-painted American and Honduran flags and chanted: “We are not criminals! We are international workers!”
The well to do elites want that cheap labor that only happens if this "slave labor" force is illegal.
San Ysidro border crossing closed, U.S. fires tear gas as migrants rush toward border - Los Angeles Times
They have been investigating for over a year and there's still more to investigate.
Some think Charlie was just the fall guy in what is a culture of white (or color) powerful male(s) perversion(s)
CBS staffers 'furious' over delayed Charlie Rose investigation
Some think Charlie was just the fall guy in what is a culture of white (or color) powerful male(s) perversion(s)
CBS staffers 'furious' over delayed Charlie Rose investigation
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Establishment cronies are breathing a sigh of relief. Their poster boy dodged a bullet when his cohorts decided not to hold him accountable for beating up a woman. Not surprising and not the first time.
On the plus side this means that this clown will be chomping at the bit to make a bunch of noise in the 2020 elections; hopefully by linking up with Hillary; a perfect storm.
Democratic DA Won’t Prosecute Avenatti, but Misdemeanor Charge Possible
On the plus side this means that this clown will be chomping at the bit to make a bunch of noise in the 2020 elections; hopefully by linking up with Hillary; a perfect storm.
Democratic DA Won’t Prosecute Avenatti, but Misdemeanor Charge Possible
Taking on the Establishment is a monumental task; one which POTUS has proven to be very effective in doing. One thing is certain. Main Street Americans have elected the right person for the job.
Two of the president’s longest-serving advisers allege in a new book that scores of officials inside the White House, Congress, the Justice Department and intelligence agencies are “embedded enemies of President Trump” working to stymie his agenda and delegitimize his presidency.
The authors, Corey R. Lewandowski and David N. Bossie, are both Republican operatives who do not work in the administration but are close to Trump and fashion themselves as his outside protectors. They portray the president as victim to disloyalty on his staff and “swamp creatures” intent on extinguishing his political movement.
Their book, “Trump’s Enemies: How the Deep State Is Undermining the Presidency,” which is being released Tuesday and was obtained in advance by The Washington Post, paints a dark and at times conspiratorial portrait of Trump’s Washington. The authors identify by name a number of Trump appointees who they claim have formed a “resistance” inside the government during the first two years of Trump’s presidency.
Lewandowski and Bossie write that these officials “attack the administration with a thousand cuts. They do this in complete disregard to the millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump. They do it only for their own ends. There are far too many people in the deep reaches of the federal government who harbor as deep a hatred of Trump as does anyone from the Clinton/Obama cabal. The thing is, they get away with it when no one is looking.”
These two are some of the best examples on how the Establishment operates and why POTUS and Main Street Americans are pulling the plug on it.
Donations to Clinton Foundation plunged after election loss
Donations to Clinton Foundation plunged after election loss
The point being that Hillary is just something that won't go away; a chronic pain to the country that lays dormant at times and flares up at others to continue stirring descent and pushing the elitist narrative.
Fox News guest apologizes for saying Hillary Clinton is 'like herpes'
Fox News guest apologizes for saying Hillary Clinton is 'like herpes'
Thursday, November 22, 2018
The Mains Stream Media continues to shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to baiting POTUS to respond and/or act on an event that they cleverly twist the narrative on. In this case the CIA "assessment" that the Prince was "likely" involved in a crime.
Trump brushes aside CIA assertion that crown prince ordered killing, defends him and Saudi Arabia
Trump brushes aside CIA assertion that crown prince ordered killing, defends him and Saudi Arabia
Both Lynch and Comey will be taking the hot seat real soon and it will be interesting to see how they try to wiggle out of the allegations that they were political cronies for the Obama WH with marching orders to protect Hillary.
Subpoenas issued for James Comey and Loretta Lynch
Subpoenas issued for James Comey and Loretta Lynch
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
It looks like the Chief Justice just couldn't help himself and has now turned the judiciary into what we knew it already was a legit political football.
This notion that the courts are apolitical and unbiased and only serve to enforce the laws is no longer carrying the weight it used to. For a court to rule that it is illegal to sanction people who break the law is outright crazy making.
Trump slams Chief Justice Roberts, insists there are ‘Obama judges’ | Fox News
This notion that the courts are apolitical and unbiased and only serve to enforce the laws is no longer carrying the weight it used to. For a court to rule that it is illegal to sanction people who break the law is outright crazy making.
Trump slams Chief Justice Roberts, insists there are ‘Obama judges’ | Fox News
They claim these 9 black robed oracles are above politics but that's not really true.
Not long ago one of the more liberal Justices stepped out of line and later apologized;
What Ruth Bader Ginsburg said about Donald Trump
It now appears that there's another apology in order;
Chief Justice Roberts rebukes Trump's 'Obama judge' gibe - BBC News
Not long ago one of the more liberal Justices stepped out of line and later apologized;
What Ruth Bader Ginsburg said about Donald Trump
It now appears that there's another apology in order;
Chief Justice Roberts rebukes Trump's 'Obama judge' gibe - BBC News
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Recommending that people who commit crimes be prosecuted is not a bad thing yet anti-Potus activists attempt to make it look that way.
Trump once tried to prosecute Hillary Clinton and James Comey: report
Trump once tried to prosecute Hillary Clinton and James Comey: report
Did he or didn't he? Looks like no one actually knows for sure. The CIA said it was "likely" but that's conjecture; nothing conclusive.
Anti-POTUS forces would like nothing more than see POTUS destabilize the middle East. Much like they can't stand that he hasn't fired Mueller.
Trump Says U.S. Will Remain 'Steadfast Partner' Of Saudis, Despite Khashoggi Killing : NPR
Anti-POTUS forces would like nothing more than see POTUS destabilize the middle East. Much like they can't stand that he hasn't fired Mueller.
Trump Says U.S. Will Remain 'Steadfast Partner' Of Saudis, Despite Khashoggi Killing : NPR
Anti-POTUS forces would go to any lengths to try an derail his presidency even if it meant causing harm to the country and it's citizens.
The MSM claims that the CIA confirmed the Prince was in on it knowing full well that is not true. What they said was that he "likely" was involved just as POTUS is saying, maybe did, maybe didn't.
Should he throw the bay out with the bath water?
Trump defends Saudi Arabia ties despite Khashoggi murder - BBC News
The MSM claims that the CIA confirmed the Prince was in on it knowing full well that is not true. What they said was that he "likely" was involved just as POTUS is saying, maybe did, maybe didn't.
Should he throw the bay out with the bath water?
Trump defends Saudi Arabia ties despite Khashoggi murder - BBC News
Monday, November 19, 2018
Here's a good example of "fake" news in the making.
Ironic. She's proud to be a washed out comedian.
Michelle Wolf Calls WHCA ‘Cowards’ for Ditching Comedian - The Daily Beast
Michelle Wolf Calls WHCA ‘Cowards’ for Ditching Comedian - The Daily Beast
There's more than one way to skin a cat, as the saying goes.
White House Suspending Jim Acosta Again - Sara A. Carter
White House Suspending Jim Acosta Again - Sara A. Carter
Another gift to the anti-establishment (she really isn't one) that keeps on giving.
WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Has No Idea What The 3 Branches Of Government Are | Daily Wire
WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Has No Idea What The 3 Branches Of Government Are | Daily Wire
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Outside of the CNN headquarters in Atlanta, some Trump supporters were there in MAGA hats and carrying signs protesting “fake news” over the weekend when a man bumrushed them, apparently in an anti-Trump or pro-CNN rage.
Patrick Howley posted the video at Big League Politics this weekend, and we’ve put “attack” in quotes because, well, as The Right Scoop put it in their post, “it’s almost laughable because the guy is so pathetic.”
The key here, of course, being “almost” laughable, because it’s also insane and overwrought and a sign of how bad things are.
Watch this nutter tear across the intersection and try to throw a punch.
WATCH: Trump supporters ‘attacked’ during protest outside CNN | TheBlaze
Patrick Howley posted the video at Big League Politics this weekend, and we’ve put “attack” in quotes because, well, as The Right Scoop put it in their post, “it’s almost laughable because the guy is so pathetic.”
The key here, of course, being “almost” laughable, because it’s also insane and overwrought and a sign of how bad things are.
Watch this nutter tear across the intersection and try to throw a punch.
WATCH: Trump supporters ‘attacked’ during protest outside CNN | TheBlaze
The Spooks (CIA) just can't help themselves. Playing cat and mouse is in their blood. More importantly they need international intrigue to justify their existence so they are always more than anxious to "allege" wrong doing(s) on the international stage.
It appears that DOS is being the parent in the room when it comes to Saudi Arabia.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
It looks like when desperation hits some people need to pull out the racist (or Russian) card.
Broward election boss says racism may be behind clamor against her | Fox News
Embattled Broward County Election Supervisor Brenda Snipes claimed Saturday that racism is “probably” behind the widespread backlash against her.
Snipes, who has come under heavy criticism over her handling of the Florida recount after the contentious midterm elections earlier this month, told The Guardian that she believes protesters camped outside the Broward recount center could be there out of hatred of her skin color.
Though she declined to elaborate during her brief interview, when asked if race played a factor, she answered: “Probably. Probably.”
Snipes, who has a history of election missteps, has been under the microscope ever since Florida ordered a statewide recount last Saturday.
Broward election boss says racism may be behind clamor against her | Fox News
Embattled Broward County Election Supervisor Brenda Snipes claimed Saturday that racism is “probably” behind the widespread backlash against her.
Snipes, who has come under heavy criticism over her handling of the Florida recount after the contentious midterm elections earlier this month, told The Guardian that she believes protesters camped outside the Broward recount center could be there out of hatred of her skin color.
Though she declined to elaborate during her brief interview, when asked if race played a factor, she answered: “Probably. Probably.”
Snipes, who has a history of election missteps, has been under the microscope ever since Florida ordered a statewide recount last Saturday.
They file law suits, scream fraud, write books about it (What Happened?) or blame the Russians. Whatever it takes to not just admit they tried and failed.
Then it looks like others are beginning to learn.
Andrew Gillum (D) concedes to Trump ally Ron DeSantis (R) in Florida’s gubernatorial race - The Washington Post
Then it looks like others are beginning to learn.
Andrew Gillum (D) concedes to Trump ally Ron DeSantis (R) in Florida’s gubernatorial race - The Washington Post
Friday, November 16, 2018
Once again it appears that when it comes to meddling in other country's politics the US is at the forefront. The Russians don't even come in a close second.
CIA reportedly concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Khashoggi assassination
CIA reportedly concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Khashoggi assassination
“Kamala Harris is trying to launch her 2020 campaign off of comparing ICE officers to the KKK, and it’s absolutely disgusting,” she tweeted.
McDaniel posted the video of a fiery exchange between Sen. Harris and Ronald D. Vitiello, the acting ICE director before the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Vitiello was seeking confirmation to be the permanent director of the immigration enforcement department.
GOP chair calls out Kamala Harris for this ‘absolutely disgusting’ comment | TheBlaze
McDaniel posted the video of a fiery exchange between Sen. Harris and Ronald D. Vitiello, the acting ICE director before the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Vitiello was seeking confirmation to be the permanent director of the immigration enforcement department.
GOP chair calls out Kamala Harris for this ‘absolutely disgusting’ comment | TheBlaze
Does the Gov owe POTUS an apology? Is the way forests are managed in California lacking? How do you explain complete towns being torched and now finding out that the real number of "missing" is 600 plus.
Donald Trump Again Blames “Management” For California Wildfires On Eve Of Visit | Deadline
“Nobody’s ever seen what’s going on over there, and now they’re saying it could be as many as 600, this just came out before we met, could be as many as 600 people killed – up by 400,” Trump told Fox News’s Chris Wallace in an interview conducted Friday afternoon.
“And burned beyond recognition, they can’t even see the bodies, it’s incredible,” Trump added. (The 600+ figure is actually the number of missing people, according to The Butte County Sheriff’s Office).
After getting torched for blaming “forest management” and threatening to pull “federal funding” as wildfires ravaged Northern and Southern California, and backing off that line of tweeting to assume a more Consoler-in-Chief role, Trump returned to his original thought bubble in his sit-down with Wallace, which will air Sunday.
“I was watching the firemen the other day and they were raking areas, they were raking areas where the fire was right over there,” he complained. “And they’re raking trees, little trees like this that are not trees, little bushes that you could see are totally dry. Weeds. And they’re raking them, they’re on fire. That should have been all raked out. You wouldn’t have the fires.”
Donald Trump Again Blames “Management” For California Wildfires On Eve Of Visit | Deadline
“Nobody’s ever seen what’s going on over there, and now they’re saying it could be as many as 600, this just came out before we met, could be as many as 600 people killed – up by 400,” Trump told Fox News’s Chris Wallace in an interview conducted Friday afternoon.
“And burned beyond recognition, they can’t even see the bodies, it’s incredible,” Trump added. (The 600+ figure is actually the number of missing people, according to The Butte County Sheriff’s Office).
After getting torched for blaming “forest management” and threatening to pull “federal funding” as wildfires ravaged Northern and Southern California, and backing off that line of tweeting to assume a more Consoler-in-Chief role, Trump returned to his original thought bubble in his sit-down with Wallace, which will air Sunday.
“I was watching the firemen the other day and they were raking areas, they were raking areas where the fire was right over there,” he complained. “And they’re raking trees, little trees like this that are not trees, little bushes that you could see are totally dry. Weeds. And they’re raking them, they’re on fire. That should have been all raked out. You wouldn’t have the fires.”
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Here's another example of why POTUS is right to say the Main Stream Media is not real news and the enemy of the people.
One of the poster children for the anti-POTUS movement is arrested and charged with assaulting a woman and the "breaking news" cartel barely mention it.
Michael Avenatti arrest downplayed by CNN, MSNBC, conservative media watchdog group says | Fox News
A conservative media watchdog group is accusing MSNBC and CNN of downplaying the Wednesday arrest of Michael Avenatti, who was a frequent guest on the liberal networks prior to his fall from grace.
Avenatti, a frequent President Trump critic and the attorney for adult film star Stormy Daniels, made bail after his arrest on domestic violence charges and said he will be “fully exonerated." However, a Media Research Center study is faulting the networks that made him famous, saying they soft-pedaled the negative news about the #Resistance hero.
“Despite the fact that Avenatti granted them over 200 combined appearances on their networks, both CNN and MSNBC downplayed the charges,” MRC analyst Nicholas Fondacaro wrote.
One of the poster children for the anti-POTUS movement is arrested and charged with assaulting a woman and the "breaking news" cartel barely mention it.
Michael Avenatti arrest downplayed by CNN, MSNBC, conservative media watchdog group says | Fox News
A conservative media watchdog group is accusing MSNBC and CNN of downplaying the Wednesday arrest of Michael Avenatti, who was a frequent guest on the liberal networks prior to his fall from grace.
Avenatti, a frequent President Trump critic and the attorney for adult film star Stormy Daniels, made bail after his arrest on domestic violence charges and said he will be “fully exonerated." However, a Media Research Center study is faulting the networks that made him famous, saying they soft-pedaled the negative news about the #Resistance hero.
“Despite the fact that Avenatti granted them over 200 combined appearances on their networks, both CNN and MSNBC downplayed the charges,” MRC analyst Nicholas Fondacaro wrote.
He's going to blame POTUS (or the Russians) for cold-cocking a woman. The story will go like this; Trump pushed this woman's face into his fist.
Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels' Lawyer, Arrested Following Domestic Violence Claim
Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels' Lawyer, Arrested Following Domestic Violence Claim
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
There is no denying that this person is creepy but you can now add crazy and stupid to the label.
Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels' lawyer, arrested for domestic violence
Michael Avenatti was reportedly arrested for domestic violence after an incident with his estranged wife.
Avenatti, a lawyer for Donald Trump’s alleged mistress Stormy Daniels, was taken into custody in Los Angeles Wednesday for allegedly leaving his wife’s face “swollen and bruised,” according to TMZ.
The incident originally took place on Tuesday but LAPD responded to the address Wednesday where Avenatti could be heard saying “She hit me first, This is bullsh–,” the website reported.
A woman ran out of the apartment building wearing sunglasses and saying on the phone, “I can’t believe you did this to me,” TMZ said.
Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels' lawyer, arrested for domestic violence
Michael Avenatti was reportedly arrested for domestic violence after an incident with his estranged wife.
Avenatti, a lawyer for Donald Trump’s alleged mistress Stormy Daniels, was taken into custody in Los Angeles Wednesday for allegedly leaving his wife’s face “swollen and bruised,” according to TMZ.
The incident originally took place on Tuesday but LAPD responded to the address Wednesday where Avenatti could be heard saying “She hit me first, This is bullsh–,” the website reported.
A woman ran out of the apartment building wearing sunglasses and saying on the phone, “I can’t believe you did this to me,” TMZ said.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
He physically interfered with an intern doing her job.
It's not about free speech. It' about bullying
CNN sues Trump over the suspension of Jim Acosta’s White House press credentials
It's not about free speech. It' about bullying
CNN sues Trump over the suspension of Jim Acosta’s White House press credentials
Why is a town called Paradise the site of the worse fire in California history?
Death toll from the Paradise fire jumps to 42, making it the worst in California history - Los Angeles Times
Death toll from the Paradise fire jumps to 42, making it the worst in California history - Los Angeles Times
Monday, November 12, 2018
It's not surprising that the party who shouts about "give peace a chance" is also the one that seethes the loudest when they are in chaos
4. Exclusive poll: Most Democrats see Republicans as racist, sexist - Axios
4. Exclusive poll: Most Democrats see Republicans as racist, sexist - Axios
Sunday, November 11, 2018
And the Establishment cronies are afraid he is about to put a leash on their attack dog (Mueller) compelling him to do his job which was to investigate Russian collusion with Trump campaign; nothing more, nothing less.
In other words, end the witch hunt.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
It appears there's a few Hillary hold outs in DOJ who are getting nervous with the "new sheriff in town."
The word is that there was a "Whitaker Sighting" at an Ace Hardware where he was seen with a cart load of rat poison.
‘He’s a F*cking Fool’: Justice Department Officials Trash Matt Whitaker, Their New Boss
The word is that there was a "Whitaker Sighting" at an Ace Hardware where he was seen with a cart load of rat poison.
‘He’s a F*cking Fool’: Justice Department Officials Trash Matt Whitaker, Their New Boss
Is this an attempt to just "twist" rather than create "fake" news?
Pipes, wires , some mysterious powder, and some super glue do not a bomb make.
The key word here is "possible"
Federal prosecutors in New York on Friday secured a 30-count indictment against the man accused of mailing possible package bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics across the country, bringing charges that are more severe and more numerous than those he previously faced.
Cesar Sayoc, 56, who had been living in a van in Aventura, Fla., faces a possible sentence of life in prison on the basis of the charges, which include five counts of using a weapon of mass destruction, five counts of illegal mailing of explosives, and five counts of threatening interstate communications. His next court appearance was not immediately scheduled.
An attorney for Sayoc did not immediately respond to a message seeking comment.
Authorities have said they think Sayoc is responsible for mailing 16 possible explosive devices to people considered foes of President Trump, including former president Barack Obama, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, former attorney general Eric H. Holder Jr., liberal billionaire George Soros and others. Sayoc was arrested last month and charged with five counts. Even after he was in taken into custody, authorities continued to recover packages they think he sent through the mail.
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