Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Welcome to Biden country;Sen. Tim Scott plays for his GOP colleagues a taste of the vulgar, racist messages he and his staff have received

This Black life does NOT matter to the Obama/Biden Democrat storm troopers they unleah on anyone who challenges them.

Sen. Tim Scott plays for his GOP colleagues a taste of the vulgar, racist messages he and his staff have received

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the lone black Republican member of the U.S. Senate, played a sample of the racist messages he and his staff have received during a closed-door lunch meeting Tuesday with other Republican senators, Politico reported.

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Scott has been tasked with leading the Republican police reform effort in the wake of recent police killings of black individuals and the resulting racial justice protests across the nation.

What did the messages say? One of the messages included a person calling Scott "Uncle Tim," a play on the racist "Uncle Tom" insult, and saying Scott was the "lowest piece of s**t this country ever produced."

A second message Scott played was filled with profanity and had been left with Scott's staff assistant after the assistant hung up on the person for their refusal to stop cursing.

How did the GOP colleagues react? "Shocked to learn at lunch about hateful messages to Sen. Tim Scott, our leader of police reform, from people who think somehow a black Republican can't lead this effort because only Democrats are qualified to talk about race/police reform," Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) wrote on Twitter. "We all have a responsibility to be kind even when we disagree!"

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