When it comes to the Establishment having an R or a D after your name makes no difference because in either case the cronies are the same; they pander to those who bankroll them.
That means that if an "outsider" becomes a real threat to the order of things all bets are off even if that means Republicans supporting a Democrat; and that's what happened yesterday in Alabama.
The positive that comes out of this for Main Street Americans is that it confirms that the political system is rigged and anyone who would threaten it is in for a fight.
There's going to be a big hoopla from the Establishment about this win but the overall effect still leaves them in big trouble come 2018/20 and beyond.
Let's keep in mind that this election was won with a very small number of votes; only 18% of the electorate and by only 12,000 votes. That's not much to brag about in the bigger picture.
The Main Stream Media on the other hand made as much of it it as possible.
Alabama voters surged to the polls Tuesday, blowing through turnout estimates of 20 to 25 percent, to exceed well over 1 million votes cast, about 38 percent of the state’s registered voters.
Turnout expectations were shaped by the fact that for most of Alabama the U.S. Senate special election between Democrat Doug Jones and Republican Roy Moore was the only race on the ballot. And, turnout for both the primary and runoff saw the vast majority of Alabama voters stay home.
But that wasn’t the case Tuesday, as Democratic voters surged giving Jones a hard-fought win over Moore in a solidly Republican state.
Moore’s advantage was expected to be a core group of supporters who would always turn out for him, but Jones managed to energize Democrats and, compared to the 2016 Presidential election totals for President Trump, a lot of Republicans stayed home.
The Associated Press called it for Jones at about 9:25 p.m., with Jones having received more than 586,000 votes to Moore’s 574,000.
The Alabama Election: 5 Takeaways From Doug Jones' Win And Roy Moore's Loss : NPR