Friday, September 11, 2020

Welcome to Biden/Obama country where inciting violence is "Critically Important’ That Protests Continue | CNSNews

Kamala Harris: 'It’s Critically Important’ That Protests Continue | CNSNews

( - Sen. Kamala Harris (D.-Calif.), appearing on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” almost three months ago, said that it was “critically important” for protests to continue in America.
On the June 18 edition of his show, Colbert said to Harris: “Because it seems to me it has to be sustained in order to maintain the pressure and to maintain that commonality of purpose for people of all races in the United States to bring this kind of justice that is being called for. How important is it for these protests to continue?”

Harris--who did not become Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s running mate until almost two months later in August—indicated that she thought it was “critically important.”
‘It’s critically important,” Harris responded to Colbert.
“And I am going to tell you something. I made a very conscience decision to become a prosecutor,” Harris said. “I grew up in a community that was not always on the best end of law enforcement in terms of how the laws were applied. There’s not a black man I know—be he a relative or a friend—who has not been the subject of some form of racial profiling or excessive force.
“So, when I made a decision to become a prosecutor, it was a conscience decision which was to go inside the system and have some leverage there to effectuate change,” Harris said.
“I say that to say this: The only way we’re going to truly achieve change is when there are people in the system who are willing or pushing to do it, and when there are those folks outside of the system demanding it,” she said.
She then said that she believed Black Lives Matter had made an important contribution to the cause of “criminal justice reform.”
“I am very clear that some of the success that we have been able to achieve around criminal justice reform would not have happened in recent years were it not for Black Lives Matter--and the intensity and brilliance of that movement, that forced at least that there would be some counterforce to the status quo which is so reluctant to change if not hostile to change,” she said.
“That’s what these movements do,” Harris said. :That where these systems are so invested and ingrained in what they call tradition, but is status quo, often which can be wrongheaded. These movements provide a counterforce that get us to where we need to be.”

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