Sunday, August 23, 2020

Kamala Harris Colluding with Russians? Russian pranksters posing as "Greta Thunberg" a...

The pranksters then ask if there is anything “she” could do to support Harris’ campaign.
The senator says she would like Greta to talk about her climate plan and said that any support would be great. “Greta” mentions how she has tried to speak to other politicians but hasn’t had any luck.
Harris then offers some advice: “There are forces working against our movement and we have to fight for these things. This is that moment, and you have been a great warrior in this case.”
“Greta” brings up Trump and says, “I’m terrified of what Trump is doing. I can’t sleep or eat when I see him on TV. That terrible meeting in the UN building in September, I have nightmares. I saw him in the corridor and shouted to him to sign the Paris climate agreement. He came over and he said softly to me, ‘You will never achieve the goal.'”
Harris tried to encourage the caller she thought was Thunberg.
“… Do not be discouraged, you have the ability to see what is possible in a way that many do not and there will be people who are going to work against progress. That is always the case, always in history, there have been people who work against progress. Listen, nothing that has been achieved in this world that has been about progress came without a fight. This is the nature of it,” she said.
“It is similar to previous times in history when some people could not imagine how things can be different and then leaders did imagine and could see and lead. You have been a great leader, do not be deterred.”
“Greta’s father”  jumps in and mentions that Greta always has a recorder on her and that it was on when her “encounter” with Trump occurred.
“If you would like to get it, we can provide it,” he offers.
“Maybe this recording can help you,” “Greta” adds. “In my side, I can testify against this terrible man.”
Harris seems interested and lets them know that someone will follow up.
“… We will stay in touch and work together,” she said. “I look forward to working with you.”
Will Geddes, a former bodyguard who runs International Corporate Protection Group commented on the matter to The Sun saying, “It is a pretty elaborate scam but it does highlight she doesn’t have good protocols in place.”

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