Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Bernie Sanders is hot on the heels of Hillary Clinton with Hillary squeaking out a .2% (49.8%) over Bernie (49.6%) the self professed outsider who doesn't flinch when asked about raising taxes or pushing for single payer healthcare. It was literally a "dead heat" contest between the "establishment" candidate and the revolutionary opponent.

Did Hillary win in Iowa? Yes, because unlike horseshoes close doesn't get it. But a .2% win is not a victory and the Democratic political machine is being greased more than usual in fear of what is to come.

Iowa has once again proved its perennial resistance to political inevitability and the power of personality.

In this year's iteration of the Iowa caucuses, national polling leaders Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton had their campaign momentum slowed in significant ways by party activists who preferred their rivals.

A big win in Iowa might have set either leader on the path to a relatively easy nomination. But that was not to be, and now both Trump and Clinton face difficult and perhaps protracted struggles to overcome rivals they had hoped to dismiss.

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