Sunday, May 18, 2014


They came out in force. All 400 plus, waving flags, spewing nonsense and again proving that only in America can completely insane people get in the news cycle.

Today is the day when the Obama administration will answer for their actions and America will be restored. At least, that's what the participants of "Operation American Spring" were hoping to do.

The rally, organized by retired Army Col. Harry Riley, aims to "[restore] Constitutional government, rule of law, freedom, liberty 'of the people, by the people, for the people' from despotic and tyrannical federal leadership." Col. Riley predicted about 10 million people who descend upon the White House and the U.S. Capitol to stage a peaceful occupation of the city until their demands were met.

When I arrived, about 150 mostly white dudes were stationed in the middle of the National Mall. (One such gentlemen referred to me as the "liberal Jew media" when I asked a question.) Even Awesome Con had more people show up in their attempt to break the world cosplaying record. The other 9,999,850 must have got stuck in traffic from the rain, or something. Here are some more pics that aptly sum up Operation American Spring.

Photos: Operation American Spring Misses Projected Attendance By About 9,999,850

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